(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And my son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. These are the kind of things that your parents will tell you. If they say, come with us. Let us lay awake for blood. Let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause. Let us swallow them up alive as the grave and whole as those that go down into the pit. We shall find all precious substance. We shall fill our houses with spoil. So here's the way I see this. Verses 1 through 9 are just sort of setting up the need for wisdom, the need for instruction, righteousness, justice, judgment, equity, wisdom, learning, instruction. Listen. Listen to me. Listen to your parents. Listen to God. Listen to the Bible, right? Learn. Get smarter. Get wisdom. Do right. Be godly. OK. But then when we get to verse 10, it's like we get specific now. Here's the first piece of advice you're being given. Because over the first nine chapters, you're being given all this advice. And all these things are being explained to you over the first nine chapters of the Book of Prophets. And this is sort of the first thing that's being explained. The enticement of the sinful crowd. And there are a lot of different ways we could apply this scripture. But I'll tell you, every time I read this scripture, I'll tell you where my mind instantly goes is to gang culture. It goes to gangs. That's the first thing I think of whenever I read this. There are other ways to interpret this that are legitimate. And there are lots of other applications you can make. But I feel like right on the surface, the obvious thing right here is sort of the gang culture. And you know what? Let's just go ahead and call it what it is. In many ways, it's the hip hop culture. Sorry to break that to you. But guess what? A lot of the rap music is promoting the gang lifestyle. Gangster rap. I don't know if that's still what it's called, but that's what it was called when I was a teenager. Is that still a thing? Can I get a witness? All right. All right, a couple of white people are saying it is, OK. They're the experts, right? No, I'm just kidding. But anyway, no, but seriously, you know, this gang culture, it's like described to a T of just kind of petty crime and just let's all join together. We're going to be this group. And we're all going to put our money together. Verse 14, cast in thy lot among us. Let us all have one purse. So these sinners are enticing you with the gold rims on the SUV. And they're enticing you with the fancy clothes, the fancy shoes, the fancy jacket, the jewelry, the fancy car, the hydraulics, everything that goes along with that culture of being a petty criminal and having all these fancy things because you stole or because you dealt drugs or whatever. I feel like that's really a really primary application that's basically saying, stay away from that gang crowd, that sinful crowd. And of course, you could apply it beyond that not to just gangs but to just say, stay away from the sinful crowd. They make sin look fun and exciting and good. But what you find is that the sinful crowd is going to take you further than you want to go. And eventually, they may turn and devour you because they don't truly love you. There's no honor among thieves. Now, a lot of people are drawn into either gangs or other just sinful peer groups because they find acceptance there. They find a sense of belonging. We need to find that sense of belonging in our families and in the local church. That's where that sense of belonging is supposed to be found. We all, as human beings, we desire to be a part of a tribe. We desire to be a part of a group or a gang or some kind of a family or some kind of a group of people that's larger than us. We want that connection with a community or society. Am I right? Find it somewhere else. Don't find it amongst sinful, wicked people. And look, a lot of times the sinful crowd is ready and willing to accept you just as you are. They're not like the mean old pastor and church people that are telling you that as a man, you need to dress like a man. As a lady, you need to dress like a lady. And they don't want you to get a tattoo. And they don't want you to get so many piercings that you look like you fell into a fishing tackle box. And they don't want you to drink and do drugs. They have all these rules about living a clean life. Whereas the faggoty lesbo crowd, they'll accept whatever freaking weirdo you want to be. You can be whatever, and they'll accept you. They'll accept anything. The gangs, they want you to get a tattoo. They want you to drink. They want you to do drugs. Basically, these groups will accept you however you are. They don't expect you necessarily to change or whatever. So there's an appeal of saying, well, these people, they're going to let me do whatever I want. I can get with these people, and it's really loose. It's really laid back. They're really cool. But let me tell you something, it is an illusion. These people are going to take you down a dark path. You start hanging around with a bunch of faggots and lesbians. You know what they're going to do? They're going to ply you with alcohol or ply you with drugs, and they're going to abuse you. They're going to molest you. They are going to get you into some weird junk that you have no desire to get into. Stay away from them. They are evil. They are freaks. They are predators. They're not reproducers. They are recruiters. They are molesters. They are predators. Stay away from them. Yeah, the gangs, maybe, yeah, they accept you. And you can act however you want. And yeah, they want you to steal and drink. But here's the thing. When you get with these groups, the stealing is not going to be optional. The violence isn't going to be optional. The fistfights aren't going to be optional. The drinking, the drugs, the smoking is not going to be optional, my friend. And they are going to take you deeper in than you want to go. See, Christians always want to dabble with sin. You know, we as Christians, like, we don't want to go all the way off the cliff and get deep into sin. But you know, we kind of just want to dabble in sin. I mean, it's human nature. But the problem is that sin takes you further than you want to go. It keeps you longer than you want to stay. And it costs you more than you're willing to pay. And these peer groups, these sinful groups of people that will try to pull you in, they want to pull you into the bar scene. They want to pull you into the nightclub scene. You know, it might just seem fun on the surface. Hey, it's just fun. We're just going to go and dance. And we like the music and the lights and the fun. There's a lot of energy. But then the drugs come out. Then the pills come out. Then the drinking comes out. And then next thing you know, you're being pressured to do things physically with people. And you know, you're being taken to a lot of dark places that you want to go, you don't want to go. And so let me tell you something is that it's easy to be foolish and naive as a young person thinking that the world out there actually has something to offer that's of value. They don't.