(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The way that seems right, because of feelings and, oh, I'm led and I have peace about it, whatever. No, no, the way of life is found in Scripture, because in Deuteronomy, when God set forth the way of life and way of death, He said the way of life is if you keep these commandments, and He gives all the commandments. And the way of death is if you forsake all these commandments and disobey. So America today thinks that they're doing right in many cases because American morality seems right to us. Of course it does. We're Americans. And if we lived in China, Chinese morality and Buddhism would seem right. And if we were living on some, you know, God-forsaken island somewhere with a bunch of cannibal natives, we'd think cannibalism seemed right. There's a way that seems right unto a man, and in the end there are the ways of death. People growing up in an Islamic country, they look around at their Islamic society and they say, this seems right. Why? Because they're raised with it. That's why we can't trust that. We have to go to the Word of God. There are so many things that I preach from this pulpit that go against the grain with the modern American listener, and they just say, that just doesn't seem right. But it doesn't matter whether it seems right or not. If it's biblical, it's right. If it's not biblical, it's wrong. America today is on the way of death, not on the way of life. When America continually, every single year, without taking one step backward, every single year the United States of America becomes a more immoral place than it was last year. You know that's the truth. And I'm not talking about churches and Christians and God's people because we shouldn't be on that program. We should be on our own program where we continue day in, day out, year in, year out, still believing fornication is wrong, still believing that drinking is wrong, still believing that we should be pure on our wedding day, still believing that adultery is wicked, still being against the Sodomites, still being against lying and murder, whether you call it abortion or day after pill or whatever. You know, we as Christians should stay on that same path, but the world today is accepting these things more and more every day. And in 2016, I'm telling you, the world, and especially the United States of America, is more ungodly than it was in 2015. I mean, the way of death that we're on today has accelerated to the point where you can actually see the difference almost from year to year. It's happening that fast. It's not a frog in the hot water anymore where it's just slowly being turned up. Now that kettle is just whistling like, I mean, that thing's boiling over. I mean, you can't ignore it. I mean, look, I've been a pastor since 2005. I've been preaching three times a week since 2005. And I'm going to tell you something. This country is way different even since 2005, as unbelievable as that is. I was born in 1981, and this country is dramatically different even since 1981. I mean, I'm a young man, and yet I've watched it go down. Those that are in the auditorium that are older than me, you should be able to recognize it even more than I can and say, oh, man, it's like a totally different place. Everything has changed. All of morality has been turned upside down.