(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let me also say this at this point. I have a double standard between my boys and my girls I hate to break it to 2019 America, but boys and girls are not the same There's a difference Now my sons are gonna go out one day and be heads of household run their own life They're gonna work and have a career. That's what they're preparing for. My daughters are not preparing for that Because that's not God's will for women to go out and do their own thing and run their own life and be a businesswoman That's not God's plan. So I'm not preparing them for that. I'm preparing them to be a godly wife Mother homemaker because that's God's perfect will for their lives Okay, and so what I mean by that is that when my sons are 14 15 16 They're I want them to go out and work and get jobs and they're they're already out working my three oldest boys They go they go to work and they they get things done make money And I think that's great You know the sooner they can start working the better and and and start you know As long as they get their schoolwork done and everything like that then getting out and working and getting that experience is valuable But you know when my daughter's turned 16, they're not gonna go get a job at Taco Bell or McDonald's or something So that they can make minimum wage and be flirted with and hit on by every unsaved worldly ungodly man outside of my supervision Okay, women the Bible says are the weaker vessel Okay. Now women are just as valuable as men in Christ. There's neither male nor female and obviously Women and men have the same value and worth but they are the weaker vessel. I don't think that my son is Gonna get raped out there, you know by some woman. It's just not gonna happen friend But you know what women they go out in the world they could be easier to seduce or to overpower or abduct or just Influence and so they need to be protected by their dad And if you actually study the old and I know some of this is controversial but so what Who cares this world is a messed up place. We don't care what they think We care what the Bible teaches and as I study the Bible I see a father back in the law of Moses being able to guarantee his daughter's virginity So how did he guarantee that? he guaranteed that because he knew where she'd been and He knew that there wasn't any opportunity for her to have lost her virginity because she wasn't out doing whatever unsupervised And so my daughters are never gonna go out and do whatever unsupervised. They're gonna be supervised all the time Until they get married. I'm gonna pass them off to their husband and then at that point it's on him Okay, and obviously, you know once they're an adult and they're married they're gonna have a lot more freedom But my teenage girls you say well, how are they gonna have money to buy things? I'm gonna pay for it I'd rather go get a second job than to just send them down to be you know Pawed at by every Taco Bell McDonald's employee. It's not worth it for that little three-hour shift minimum wage paycheck To go down there and have all these bad influences. I'm not gonna send them to the public school system I'm not gonna send them to a Bible college. I'm not gonna send them to the fast-food industry No, they're gonna stay home with me and you know, they can get out and see the world with me They can get out and see the world with my wife They can get out and see things on some occasions with a big brother standing by ready to kick anybody's butt that You know, it's the wrong idea Folks we need to protect our daughters Have you ever noticed that in a fundamental Baptist Church like ours? There's a demographic that's conspicuously missing You single guys are like, yes. Amen, you know Why because you have way more young men in a fundamental Baptist Church that are 18 to 25 Then young ladies that are 18 to 25. Why are the young single 18 to 25 year old ladies typically missing? I'll tell you why because they're out living like the devil. That's why because their parents let them do whatever They're not under any strong leadership. And so they turn 18 and they go out and do whatever and it's it's sad You know, we need to make sure that we raise our daughters, right and yes allow them to have a good time Yes, allow them to have friends and a life But you know what? They need to be supervised and not just given just total freedom to go do whatever it's not going to end well and you can like it or lump it, but that's what I believe and That's what I'm as for me in my house. That's what we're gonna do