(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, that's what the government school system is there to teach you. Is that a message that's compatible with the Bible? No. That Jesus is the Son of God? No. Okay. Then TV is out to teach you the same thing. TV is out to make fun of Christianity. So they put Christians and preachers on TV that are effeminate, that are weak, that are sissy, that are very lame, and then they put other preachers on TV like this guy from West boro Baptist, Fred Phelps, this inbred weirdo with all of his weird hillbilly backward family, you know, and this is what Christianity is. This is what somebody is who's against homos. It's this guy. You're like this weird backward inbred, you know, I don't even know what else do you say about these people? They put this out there like, if you're a Christian and you take the Bible literally, you're this guy. And you're like, I don't want to be that guy. And then they show all these effeminate as hell preachers like Joel Osteen. They show all these weak little sissy. Every TV show, whenever there's a pastor in the show, he's always weak. Have you noticed that? He's weak. They blaspheme God, they blaspheme Jesus, even the cartoons. They make fun of Jesus, they make fun of the Bible, they make a mockery of the things of God. Then you turn on the radio and listen to the world's music, and again, it's blaspheming Jesus, it's making fun of God, it's attacking the things of God, it's attacking the Bible. So you've got science, falsely so called, you've got TV, you've got movies, you've got government schools, you've got the books, you've got the newspapers, the Bible says this whole world has an agenda to keep you from getting saved, to keep you from believing on Jesus, to keep you from believing that Jesus is the Son of God. And God says the one who overcomes the entire world is the one who believes that in spite of the fact that it's on attack from all sides. I mean the person who believes the Bible has to overcome what they've learned in school. I mean when you're out soul winning, you want to know what you're overcoming at that door? You're overcoming government schooling. You're overcoming Hollywood brainwashing. You're overcoming TV brainwashing. You're overcoming false religion. You're overcoming the world's religions, Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, Mormonism, all these false doctrines that are out there to prove to people that salvation is not what God said it was by grace through faith. You have to overcome all of that just in order to get saved. You have to be able to push out the science out of your mind, that garbage, that lie that they call science. You have to push out of your mind false religion that you've been brainwashed. You have to push out of your mind what the TV and movies have taught you, what you learned on the video The Passion of the Christ or whatever other film that perverts the Scriptures. You have to put all that out of your mind, you have to overcome all of it just to be saved, just to believe on Christ, just to believe the most basic truth that Jesus is the Son of God. You're overcoming a lot, right? So let me explain something to you. Now that you're saved, because I'm preaching to people that are already saved, now that you're saved, do you think that the battle's over or something? I mean, do you really think that the whole world's out against you, but now that you're saved, now that you're preaching the Bible, you're going to be popular now? No, you're still going to have all those forces working against you all the time. And God told Jeremiah, that's why you need to be fortified. That's why you need to be strengthened. That's why I'm going to make you a defense city, because you're going to be under attack from all sides. You're going to be assaulted from all sides. And don't you just feel it in your daily life, the assault? I mean, you get up in the morning, you go out to live your life. It's funny, I just went to buy a toy for my child and I walk into the toy aisle and it's just like everything's ungodly. It was like I was just trying to find like a normal toy. And I'm just looking and looking and everything. Everything's just these weird, these girls with all, it's like a toy for a little kid and it's like a girl in a miniskirt with real weird eye makeup and a real creepy, scary looking face. And then it's all these toys like brats or whatever and it's just these rebellious women and rebellious girls in miniskirts. Then it's like, oh, there's some musical toys, this looks good. And there's like a keyboard, a little toy keyboard, a little toy guitar, and every single one, it's like you push the button on every one of them and it's just like rap and rock and you know. I'm like, oh, this will be nice and then you turn it on and it's just like. It's just like all this. It's like, sorry, I don't want my kids to grow up and listen to Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. And then it's like I walk over to another section and it's just all these dinosaurs and all this weird, you know, evolution based thing. And look, I believe there were dinosaurs, you know, the Bible talks about them. By the way, the Bible was talking about them before these idiots had ever even discovered them. Behemoth and Leviathan ring a bell? But honestly, you know, it's all false, the ones that they portray, of course. And you know, I'm just going through, it's just like everything. And then everywhere you look, there's just nude, you know, half nude women advertised in the store. You know, the music's playing over the speaker that's everything that's worldly and sinful and ungodly. Look, there's just a lot against us today. There's a lot against us. And God tells us, you know what? You need to stand tall. You need to stand on what you believe. Everybody's going to be against you. The whole world's fighting against you, Jeremiah. The leaders, they don't like you, Jeremiah. The nation doesn't like you either. Everybody's saying, fear not, Jeremiah, I've made you an iron pillar. I've made you a brazen wall. I've made you a defense city. I love what David said in Psalm 3. He said, I will not be afraid, though ten thousands of people set themselves against me round about. He said, if ten thousand people come after me and surround my house, I'll fear no evil because God's with me.