(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Rose of Sharon Okay, this is a this is a track, right? The Rose of Sharon I open this up and it says there's nothing quite so lovely as a rose a Rose is probably the most universal flower used to symbolize a person's love to another how fitting it is That Jesus is referred to as the Rose of Sharon Okay, open the Bible So, I'm sorry. Am I confusing you with the Bible open the Bible to Song of Solomon chapter 1, okay And I don't want to I don't want to mess up your traditions or anything You've heard this song. He's the lily of the valley the bride and morning star He's the fairest of 10,000 to my soul right Okay. Well, let's let's take your tradition and let's match up about this is just to show you and listen I've never been to an independent fundamental Baptist Church that I've ever attended that didn't sing that song I've sung it in every church. I've ever been in he's the lily of the valley and I was like Yeah, I don't know if I want my I mean if I was gonna have like a nickname, you know If I was into like let's say I was into like four-wheel drives or something. I got my handle You know, I'm a truck driver and I'm on the CB, you know, and they got their handle, right? This is really in the valley. This is frozen. This is Rose of Sharon over, you know Oh Good night. You think that's the kind of handles that truck drivers have, you know, I hope help us No, that's just not a real manly name I'm sorry, but I don't think that's gonna be I don't think I'm gonna be calling myself that anytime soon But let's look at the Bible. Okay, Song of Solomon chapter 1 We're gonna look at the only time those phrases are ever found in the Bible lily of the valley and Rose of Sharon now Anyone just even a casual observer here who understands the book of Song of Solomon If you've ever read the book of Song of Solomon You know that this book is a dialogue between a man and a woman all the way through the man speaks the woman speaks Verse 2 chapter 1 verse 2. Who do you thinks talking? Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth. Okay That's a woman talking. All right, and then you come down a little bit Verse 8 if thou know not o thou fairest among the women go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock So basically in verse number 1 through 7, we've got the woman talking. Okay, then in verse number 8 the man begins to talk Then in verse number 12 the woman begins to talk and it's very obvious who's talking right? then we get to verse number 15 and The man begins to talk behold our fair my love behold our fair thou hast doves eyes verse number 16 is the is The woman talking behold our fair my beloved a pleasant also our bed It's green the reams of our house the beams our house or cedar and our rafters for another now chapter 2 verse 1 I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys now just if you were just guessing What do you think talking the man or the woman? Baby let me tell you something. I'm the rose of Sharon I'm the lily of the valley honey my wife's back there Now, who do you think is talking? Just go with your gut instinct. I think it's a woman talking Okay, but look at the next verse As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters So right there he says that the lily is referring to the woman you see that as the lily among thorns So is my love among the daughters as the apple tree among the trees of the wood So is my beloved among the sun. So who's represent what pictures represent a man here the apple tree? Okay, that's a little bit better Okay, a big tree. Yeah, you know big burly tree not some rose not some lily, right? You guys with me or not man got a bunch of lily lily britches that we're gonna start calling you But you see here how this has no basis in reality He's the lily of the valley. That's probably the same guy Probably the same people who came up with that are probably the same ones who draw this long-haired Jesus, right? That that this girly Jesus