(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) He's saying, you know, these people are talking real big when I'm gone. He said, I'm going to come there and face those people and we'll see how tough those guys really are. You say, well, why would he talk this way? I thought that all Christians are supposed to be soft, gentle hippies. What is going on? You know, this isn't what Reverend Alden on Little House on the Prairie was like. Are you sure that a preacher is supposed to talk that way? But isn't that the way we've been brainwashed today? Whenever a pastor gets up and yells and preaches and says, no, we're not going to do it. Then they just say, oh, man, look at that guy. He's crazy. He's a monster. He's lost his mind. I mean, oh, he's in the flesh. OK, what about when the Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul and he chopped up oxen and mailed him out all over and said, this is what I'm going to do to your oxen if you don't come. I mean, look, was that not the Spirit of the Lord that led Saul to rally the people against the Philistines? It says the Spirit of the Lord came upon him. He hacked up a couple oxen and shipped it out, said, here you go, people, here's an object lesson. Why? Because of the fact that Saul was a great leader. Now later he failed. Later the people talked him into stuff and he watered down and so forth. But in those first couple of years, look, God chose Saul to be a king for a reason, folks, because he did great things in the beginning. He was a good leader. He saved the people from the Philistines. A lot of times we forget that because it's kind of overshadowed by his failings later in life. But we forget that Saul started as a good leader. Spirit of the Lord came upon him. Look, are you telling me that the Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost here, is in the flesh? No, this is scripture. God preserved this for us as his word, where the Apostle Paul is telling these people, I'm going to find out how tough you really are when I come back to court to clean house. But anybody who talked like that today, oh, you're in the flesh. You're carnal. That's what they would say, wouldn't they? Because they teach you that pastors all need to be soft pushovers and they call it meekness, but it's really weakness is what they're promoting. They're the guys of meekness. See, Moses was the meekest man on the face of the earth, the Bible says. He was the meekest man there was, but he was a strong leader. He didn't put up with this garbage of just letting anything go. Too many churches are anything goes, Baptist Church.