(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But in the Orthodox Church, they say that Mary is the mother of God. Let's see if that's biblical. Hebrews chapter 7 verse 3, without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of God, abideth a priest continually. Now notice the words without mother, okay? And obviously we're talking about without earthly father, without earthly mother, in the sense that he's the Son of God. Now if you would, go to Mark chapter number 12. Mark chapter number 12, okay? Because what I want to point out to you is that although Jesus Christ is God, and although Mary was the mother of Jesus, humanly speaking, that does not make Mary the mother of God. See this is a faulty logic. They take these extra steps, instead of just believing what the Bible tells us, because you can't find a verse that says Mary's the mother of God. Show me that verse in the Bible. That's man's logic. Man's logic says, well Mary's the mother of Jesus, and Jesus is God, ergo Mary is the mother of God. But that is not correct logic. That's man's wisdom, but there's no verse that says that. Everything we believe should be based on Bible verses, not just man's reasoning. But let's see if that logic holds up. Look at Mark 12 verse 35. And Jesus answered and said while he taught in the temple, how say the scribes that Christ is the son of David? For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, the Lord said to my Lord, sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool. David therefore himself calleth him Lord, and whence is he then his son? And the common people heard him gladly. So what's Jesus saying here? David is not the father of God is what he's saying. Isn't that what he's saying here? He's saying look, the scribes are saying that Christ is the son of David, but he's saying wait a minute, David calls Christ Lord. See they thought Christ was just going to be a human being. A lot of the Jews and even the Jews that you talk to today when they're looking for the Messiah, they think of it as just a human being who's going to live and die and he's just a mortal man that God used. And Jesus is trying to teach them no, no, no, David calls Christ Lord. He's not just a son of David. No, no, no, he's the Lord of David. He's the God of David. So in the sense that he's the son of God and the Lord of the universe, he's not the son of David in that sense. He's only the son of David physically speaking, okay, in the sense that he physically descended from David on his human side because he's the son of man and he's the son of God. But to sit there and make this jump that says well Mary's the mother of God, then you'd have to say well David's the father of God. David's the father of God. But that's false and he proves it false right in the scripture that you just looked at. Go if you would to Matthew chapter 12, that was Mark 12, go to Matthew 12. So although Jesus is God and although Mary is the mother of Jesus, you're using faulty logic here because she is only the mother of Jesus humanly speaking because Jesus as God existed before Mary was ever born. So she's not the mother of God, she's the mother of Jesus only in an earthly sense and taking that logical leap to calling her the mother of God is false doctrine and heresy and not only that but to venerate Mary is completely unscriptural. Look what the Bible says in Matthew 12 verse 47. And one said unto him behold thy mother and thy brethren stand without desiring to speak with thee. But he answered and said unto him that told him who is my mother and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples and said behold my mother and my brethren. So is Jesus putting great emphasis on his mother Mary? He points at a random woman. He points at a random woman and said this is my mother. Now does that put great emphasis on Mary that we should venerate her, enshrine her, have pictures of her, bow down to pictures of her, pray to her? No. They try to say oh your mother wants to talk to you and he's like no this is my mother. He points at every female follower who is doing his word and says behold my mother and my brethren. They also teach that Mary remained a virgin forever. Tough luck for Joseph. He thinks he's, you know, he thinks he's getting married. It's like no, no, no, no. You be celibate. Why do all these perverts want everybody to be celibate anyway? The Catholics want them celibate as they're a bunch of molesters and adulterers and everything else. Catholics want them celibate. The orthodox. Hey it's false. It's not good for the man to be alone. And this whole idea that Mary remained a virgin, he, Jesus had at least seven half siblings. It talks about his brother, Joseph, his brother, James, his brother, Judas, his brother, Joseph, and he says his sisters are they not all with us? And they'll say oh well that just means cousins. That's just relatives. But it doesn't use the word brethren in general. It names like his brother. Here's his name, Judas, his brother, James. Not only that, it says that she knew him not or that Joseph knew Mary not until she had brought forth her firstborn son. The implication being that after she brought forth her firstborn son, then they knew each other. Why would she need to remain a virgin? Only if you want to worship her as some kind of a weird virgin goddess like the Babylonians. And it makes sense if you're into Mystery Babylon. If you want to worship her like a bunch of Hindus bowing down to a female goddess. Also it says that Jesus was the firstborn son. She brought forth her firstborn son in both Luke and Matthew chapter one. Well what does that mean? If you have a firstborn son, you have to have a second. If there's a movie called part one, you're expecting part two, right? So she brought forth her firstborn son and that's all she ever had. Why did it say she brought forth her only son? Or just she brought forth a son? Brought forth a son. Why put in that word firstborn? Oh yeah that's right. The modern Bibles take out the word firstborn. In Matthew 125 to try to hide that. Look at Luke 11. This is the best one that just demolishes this Mariolatry is what it is. Mariolatry. Idolatry directed at Mary. Mariolatry. Look at Luke chapter 11 verse 27. This is the, this is powerful. Look at this. Here's the, here's the one time in the Bible that somebody venerates Mary. One time. One time. I mean here we have a billion Catholics. Here we have 300 million Orthodox all venerating Mary. Let's see what Jesus said to someone venerating Mary in the Bible. And by the way, they actually worship her. I'm just using their word. Venerate. Luke 11 27 it came to pass as he spake these things, a certain woman in the company lifted up her voice. This is the first Catholic. First Orthodox in the Bible. This is the first Orthodox in the Bible. A certain woman of the company lifted up her voice and said to him, blessed is the womb that bear thee and the paps which thou has sucked. But he said, yea, rather blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it. See right away it was that doctrine that sucked when he said, Oh, blessed are the paps that you sucked. He's like, what? Kind of a stupid doc. Why would we bless the paps that I sucked? That makes no sense. He's saying, no, rather blessed is the one who hears God's word and does it. And when did God ever tell you to worship Mary? When did God ever tell you to pray to Mary? When did God ever tell you to venerate Mary? So I'd be more blessed if I would just do what God told me to do and stay away from this weird stuff, blessing paps and wombs and everything else. It's not biblical.