(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You say, well the outside doesn't matter. The appearance doesn't matter. Well you know what, the Bible says in Matthew 23, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. And so God does care about our appearance. Now what's more important, the inside or the outside? The inside. But does that mean that the outside has zero importance? I mean what's more important, spiritual strength or physical strength? Spiritual. But does that mean physical strength means nothing? No. And so we need to make sure that we have balance in our lives. Yes we have priorities. Yes we believe that the inside is the most important, but let me tell you something, your outside does matter and the proof of that is that God gives us commandments about the outside. Go to 1 Corinthians 11 for example. And the Bible tells us that we as men should have a manly outward appearance. While you're turning to 1 Corinthians 11, I'll read for you from Deuteronomy 22.5. The Bible reads, the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. Look, God's saying it's abomination for you as a man to put on a woman's garment, and then you're going to tell me the outward appearance doesn't matter? He says look, you better dress like a man. Look like a man with the way that you dress. And then not only that, but in 1 Corinthians 11 another aspect of our appearance is addressed when he says in 1 Corinthians 11 verse number, let me find my place here, verse number 14 does not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him. But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given her for a covering. So right there we see that men are commanded by God, look, it's a shame even nature itself should teach you that if you have long hair as a man it's a shame, but for a woman it's a glory to have long hair, showing that there should be a difference in the appearance of men and the appearance of women. Men should have a manly appearance and two specific areas that he brings up are the hair and the clothing. And you say well, but how short is the hair and you know, what exactly is a woman's garment? Well, I'll say this, I understand that there are many haircuts that are different than mine or longer than mine that are still considered short hair, no question about that, okay. But I will say this, I don't think we should just strive to see how close to a woman's garment we can put on and still technically be wearing men's clothing. I'm not trying to see how close I can get to that line, you know, in 2013 with all the weird gender-bending garbage that's out there, we ought to get farther away from that line than ever, you know. And again, I'm looking around the room, I don't see a single man in the room that has long hair, you know, point them out if they, no I'm just kidding, but anyway, I don't see a single man in the room that I would consider as having long hair, in my opinion. Everybody in here has, but let me tell you something, if there were I'd still be preaching the same sermon, and I've done it many times, you know, I never add it, this is my rule, I never add to or take away from the sermon. So if somebody walks in that fits the bill of what I'm preaching, I won't take it out of the sermon. But if somebody walks in, I won't add it in either, you know, just to burn them. Now I'm not, you know, because obviously I don't ever want to set out to offend people, okay, but sometimes the truth defends, I never add it, I never take it away. You know, I look around, I see a variety of haircuts, but everybody's got short hair, but look, we shouldn't just strive to just get it as long and shaggy as we can to where we're saying, well, is this really long hair? I mean, are you, you know, who are you to say, I mean, it's kind of short in a way, you know, let's just not get right up to the line with it. And by the way, ladies, you shouldn't be getting right up to the line with it either, make sure you've got plenty of hair on your head, okay? Keep it long. The Bible teaches that our appearance does matter. But I will say this about a man's appearance, part of manliness is that you're not constantly wrapped up in your appearance. Now look, it ain't that complicated to have short hair and a pair of pants on. That ain't complicated, okay? So I'm not saying, man, you need to really worry about your appearance and stare at yourself in the mirror all day. That's not a manly attribute. Because that part of confidence is that you're not just sitting there, you know, when you see a man who's constantly primping and preening himself and looking in the mirror and fixing and, you know, get over yourself, man. Be a man, you're not, you know, are you dressed, are you wearing pants, is your hair short? Let's go, you know, you're done. Done. You don't need all this primping and preening of yourself as a man. And when men are overly concerned about their appearance, that is not a manly attribute either.