(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I was thinking about this. How about the early days of our church when we were just starting out? And I talked about this a few weeks ago, but a lot of people taught me and said, you start with one service. And I remember this. I was walking down the street in Germany and I was soul winning with the pastor. And I walked down the street with the pastor and he was talking to me. He knew that eventually I was going to be a preacher. I was only 18, but he knew that that's the direction I was going in my life. And we were walking along and we saw a fence. And the fence had bars. I'm sorry, it did not have bars. It had a framework of a metal fence, but it had no bars. So it kind of defeats the purpose of a fence, right, when you just walk right through it. So it was just the framework of a fence and it had no bars. And this pastor said to me, he said, Steve, you see this fence here with no bars. He said, that reminds me of people who start a church and they start with all three services. Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. He said, when you start a church, these new believers that you're reaching when you're knocking the doors, they're only going to come to one service. And so he said, all these guys I know, they pastor and on Sunday morning they've got people coming, but then Sunday night and Wednesday night and nobody shows up. But they still have it in the bulletin. Sunday night at 6, Wednesday night at 7, whatever, and nobody even shows up to it. It's like them and their families. It's like they have the framework set up. They have a destruction place, but there's nothing there. No. Wrong. I was thinking to myself, wrong, wrong, wrong.