(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But a good translation, you don't even know it's a translation. And you know what? That's why people are always making fun of King James Bible believing Christians for thinking that Jesus spoke English. But you want to know why so many people think that Jesus spoke English? It's because the translation is that good. I mean look, I'll be honest with you, when I was a little kid, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old, before I'd studied history and before I knew about the history of the Bible and the different original languages, you know, I thought Adam and Eve spoke English. I thought that Jesus Christ spoke English. You know, I thought that God's up in heaven speaking nothing but English. And I thought he sounded like Alexander Scorby. You know, that's what I pictured, you know, going to heaven and I'm going to hear a voice, you know, exactly like this. So the point is that people can make fun of that. But you know why I thought that when I was a little kid, before I'd been educated, was because the translation is just that good. The King James Bible is so good, you think you're reading the original, right? You know what, nobody's going to think that about the ESV. It's so wooden, it's so robotic, it's something out of Google Translate. So this idea that translations have to be word for word is false. What we want to get is the same meaning.