(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now if you would go back to Jeremiah chapter 23, because the danger is that people would just go with what they feel or go with what they think sounds good or that sounds right, that makes sense and I can just feel it, hey, that's the Holy Spirit leaving me. But that's not necessarily true because a lot of people, they could just imagine that and then just start following some voice in their head that's really just their own internal voice. And so we don't want to confuse our will, our opinion, our biases, our prejudices. We don't want to confuse that with the leading of the Holy Spirit because both exist, right? We have our own personality, our own heart, our own thoughts, our own biases that we've inherited just from our culture, from our parents, from our upbringing. You want to make sure that we understand the difference between that and being actually led by the Holy Spirit. And so in Jeremiah 23 verse 16 the Bible reads, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you. They make you vain. They speak a vision of their own heart and not out of the mouth of the Lord. They say still unto them that despise me, the Lord hath said ye shall have peace. Now look, these guys are claiming that they're led of the Holy Spirit. They're claiming that God has spoken to them. They're claiming that God has revealed these things to them and they're claiming that the Holy Spirit has led them to preach to those who hate God, to those who despise God, ye shall have peace. Now that sounds a lot to me like wishful thinking on the part of these prophets that just want everything in this world to be sweetness and light. They want God to bless everybody. They want God to give peace on earth and good will toward men and for it to just be applied unto every single person indiscriminately. But let's face it, that's not the reality of the world that we live in. Yes, God's peace and good will on earth toward men, it's available to everyone. It's accessible to everyone. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. He will have all men to be saved and to come into the knowledge of the truth but the reality is that those who despise God are not invited to the party, my friend. Those who despise the Lord, those who reject the Lord Jesus Christ, their Savior, they are not going to have peace. There's no peace sayeth my God unto the wicked. There's no peace for them. Yet these false prophets, what do they say? They say to people that despise God, oh, you're going to have peace. They write books called God is Not Mad at You and on the back of the book it says, I don't care who you are, I don't care what you've done, God's not mad at you. That is a lie because God is angry with the wicked every day. How do I know that? Well, you know, the Holy Spirit told me that. No, the Bible told me that and the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance what God spake before the world began, that God is angry with the wicked every day. I know for a fact that God's angry with the wicked every day because it's written right here on black ink on a white page in the Word of God and this Bible is the rock on which all of my faith is built, on which this church is built, my preaching is built, my salvation is built, everything is on this foundation, the Word of God. And so someone comes along and says, well, God's not mad at you. Well, we need to test that with the Word of God and see is that coming from your own heart or did that actually come from the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit tell you that or is that from your own imagination? And I guarantee it is from the female joker's imagination, okay, because it's not consistent with the Word of God. And also you can see why she would want to think that. You can see why everybody would want to think that.