(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, here's the thing, no matter what you believe about what's going on right now, I think one thing we can all agree upon is that this isn't a blessing. It's not a blessing, not good. Because, you know, there's obviously a punishment that's happening to us as a nation right now. Now, who's responsible for it? Who's, you know, who is it? Is it, you know, was this thing invented in a laboratory? Was some idiot eating his bat medium-rare? You know, what was going on to create that, you know, was this thing a plandemic? You know, was this thing just a scam that was planned to take away our rights? Or is this actually, you know, is it the Chinese fault? Is it their communist regime that allowed this thing? You know, is Trump mishandling that, you know, all the different opinions that get thrown around, all these different things? Who's responsible Who's behind this? The answer is we are behind it. We, as God's people in America, are the problem. And I'm not saying us specifically in this room, but I'm saying that if God is punishing America, it's America's fault. Because if America was right with God, they wouldn't be punished like this right now. And you say, well, how do you know that we're not righteous and we're just going through trials? Because that's just absurd. Because we know about the sodomites in the streets marching. We know about the abortion clinics. We know the rate of fornication and adultery and drunkenness that have just become the norm in this country. We know that our country is becoming more irreligious and atheistic every single day. Folks, that is the problem. And so forgive me if I don't delve deeply into trying to figure out what's behind this. I already know what's behind it. Our sins as a nation are the problem, period. No one will ever talk me out of that. No one will ever convince me. It's like when I got up and preached that AIDS is a judgment of God on sodomites and on people who tolerate sodomites. And you know what people said? No, Pastor Eider said, because AIDS was invented in a laboratory. And they, you know, they sent me to some conspiracy theory about how HIV is invented in a laboratory. Folks, so what? I'm not even, I'm not saying I buy into that wild-eyed theory. But let's say for a minute that that's true. So what? The point is, a disease came and killed a bunch of homos in the 1980s. And it's still a disease, even to this day, homo men are 50 times more likely to get AIDS than straight men. 50 times more likely. Okay? Look, you're gonna tell me that's not the judgment of God on that death style? So, where did it come from? It doesn't matter. What matters is, people are punished for their wickedness. Okay? A wicked nation loses freedom. A wicked nation loses prosperity. A wicked nation gets punished. That's what's happening right now. So that's one thing that everybody should be able to agree on. I'm not gonna just get all excited about saving. We gotta save America. We gotta, we gotta save America from this punishment. Folks, the way to save America from this punishment is to stop doing the sins that are bringing the punishment. You can't just sit there and say, well, we're gonna remain wicked. We're gonna keep on sinning, keep on ignoring God, keep promoting atheism, keep on saying that there is no God and worshiping the creature more than the Creator. Just keep on with our lascivious lifestyle and that somehow we're gonna find some political solution to this. Or we're gonna somehow do a protest or we're gonna have some kind of a rally or whatever. You know what? I'm not interested. I'm not interested in trying to stop the judgment of God on our country because the judgment of God on our country is due. Now, you say you want God to just judge America. Look, I want God to spare America because America gets right with God. But if America is not gonna get right with God, you know, how can I sit there and ask God, oh God, can you just let us keep on doing the wicked things that we're doing without a punishment? I mean, that's kind of a weird prayer, isn't it?