(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let me tell you something. If somebody breaks into my house tonight, I don't care if they're unarmed, they're getting shot tonight. Period. I don't care if they have a squirt gun. I don't care if they have a pea shooter. If someone breaks into my house at night with all this violence going on, they are getting shot tonight. And that's taught in the Bible and we'll get there in a moment. But look what the Bible says in Ecclesiastes chapter eight, verse 11, because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. According to the word of God, actually executing judgment against evil work speedily will prevent crime. So I don't want to hear this liberal junk about, oh, the death penalty doesn't work. And oh, you know, being tough on crime is that doesn't work. The Bible says it works if it's done speedily. Yeah. Maybe putting somebody on death row for 20 years doesn't work. But let me tell you something. If violent criminals were punished swiftly and severely, it would be a deterrent. That's what the word of God says because sentences against the evil work is not executed speedily. Therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Now I hope that tonight I hope that the police actually do their job tonight and protect property and protect people because you know what? They failed last night and you know, sorry, but that's what's going on. And forgive me if I'm a little irritated by that because just this week on Wednesday we were out sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ from door to door with Bible in hand. And it was amazing how five cops could show up within 15 minutes. Who was there with me on Wednesday when that happened? Yeah. I was talking to my son about this and he counted five police officers that showed up to stop us from soul winning and boy, they got their lightning fast 15, 20 minutes. And they were able to deal with 15 of us. Oh man, they made short work of the 15 of us. But isn't it interesting how last night when you have 500 violent criminals surrounding the Scottsdale fashion center, they made a total of 12 arrests total. Okay. Now look, they need to come down hard on these people and that's my opinion and I believe that the Bible teaches it would be a deterrent and they have every right to use whatever force and I'm going to prove that from the Bible because these violent robbers, looters at night, you know what? If you're robbing at night, the Bible says that basically if someone kills you, they're totally justified. Now in the daytime, the punishment for stealing is different. According to the Bible, in the daytime, the punishment for stealing is you pay back double. You pay back five. Hey, if you're caught breaking up at night and you die, you die. That's what the Bible says. Okay. So think about that. If you're ever tempted to go out at night, rob it. You know, cause God might just arrange that for you. Okay.