(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) in your day. You have 24 hours in a day, folks. And you know, people say to me a lot, they say, you know, when do you sleep, Pastor Anderson? When do you sleep? You know, you do all this stuff. You're always cranking out all this work. You know, do you ever sleep? And you know what I tell these people? I tell them, you know what, I sleep eight hours every night. I'm not one of these people that burns the candle of both ends and stays up all night. Now, there are times when I stay up all night, but I do not habitually deprive myself of sleep. I don't do it. You know, my personal philosophy is, I don't believe in asceticism, and my personal philosophy is that we should take care of our body as the temple of the Holy Ghost and be healthy and think long-term and not burn out by going too overboard. You know, the Bible says, be not righteous over much, why shouldest thou be destroyed? That's not telling you sin a little bit. If it says, be not righteous over much, that doesn't mean sin a little bit. No sin is okay. When it says, be not righteous over much, some people, they try to do too much and they burn out, like a marathon runner who just sprints the first mile, and he can't even complete the race. So the point is that people need to understand that, you know, I don't have some ascetic, crazy schedule. I sleep eight hours a night, but the reason that I get a lot done is just because I maximize the 16 hours that I'm awake, and I get things done. Look, 16 hours, you say, well, you know, I have an eight-hour job. Okay, that means you have eight other hours in the day. Eight other hours. What are you doing with it? What are you doing with your two days on the weekend? The truth of the matter is that I am not some Superman getting a lot done. I'm getting an average amount done, and a lot of other people are just wasting huge amounts of time. So they're like, whoa, look what you're doing. I'm like, what are you talking about? I'm just living a normal life here. But it's just that people are wasting so much time when they could be doing something profitable or intelligent with their time and with their lives.