(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'm saying that old man, he can frustrate us, right? And you're just like, die, die! Die, old Steven Anderson, die! And then he dies, and you're like, great. But then you wake up in the morning and it's, there he is again! He's like these characters in a video game where you kill him, but then a little while comes back they just come back. They just keep respawning, regenerating, right? They just keep, you know, you wait long enough and another goomba comes. You know, we gotta go back to my generation of games, okay? You know, you can stomp on that goomba and say, I killed him! And there's just like another one. Another turtle, another little goomba, that's all I remember. They just keep respawning, this is how it is. Yeah, you can kill the old man until tomorrow and that's why you gotta read your Bible every day. You gotta pray every day, you gotta walk with God every day, and you gotta deny self every day. You gotta say, no, I'm not gonna drink that alcohol. No, I'm not gonna smoke that cigarette. No, I'm not gonna take drugs. No, I'm not gonna look at that. No, I'm not gonna say that. No, I'm not gonna be like that. It's something that you have to do every day. Because there are certain things you can't change and you have to accept that. And you have to accept the old man is something I can't change. The old Steven Anderson, I can't change his appetites. I can't change his proclivities. I can't change his sinful tendencies. I can't fix him. All I can do is just pull him out of bed. I gotta wake up before him every morning. I'm gonna get up before him and I'm gonna grab him and yank him out of the bed and say, yah! And kill him. Throw him aside and be like, all right, let's do this day. But sometimes he'll even respawn throughout the day. You know, it's like I'm going through my day, I'm serving God, I'm living for God, things are going good. I sit down to lunch and all of a sudden, who's sitting across the table from me? And it's like, you! You know, grab him, right? And look, it's a struggle. And he doesn't always go quietly. I mean, and sometimes he beats the crap out of me and I lose. But what do I do? You know what, I just gotta go get him, find him, get him when he's not looking, when he's not ready, and kill him again. Everyone, but here's the thing. Do you think that I win the battle over the old man every time? Or do you think sometimes he ends up kicking my butt? What do you think? What do you think? What's the Bible say? Did the Apostle Paul just say, I defeat the old man every single time? Or did he say, man, I end up doing stuff I don't wanna do. Oh wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? Hey, you've gotta fight that battle every day. And the smart thing to do is get up early and get ahead of it and kill him first. You gotta strike first, friend. First thing, before he has a chance, because if he gets up before you, he'll turn on the TV, he'll turn on the radio and start bringing in a bunch of junk, and it's like, you gotta get up before him and get in the Bible. And beat him to the punch, amen? Look, what's the sermon called? Accepting the things you can't change. You can't change yourself when we talk about the old man. You can only change the new man. The new man grows and gets stronger. You can get so strong as the new man that the old man, you're just like, oh, you're pathetic, you know, and just. Right? Here's the thing, the stronger you get and the weaker he gets, if he's not being fed, and you're just dying, you're sitting down at the table, you're eating all these steaks, you wake up in the morning and you read a bunch of Bible, it's like you just put like six raw eggs in a glass, you're downing that. And you're just like, come at me, bro. Right, you sit down at lunch and you're eating the steak and the lobster, you're getting so much protein, right? You're going to the spiritual gym and you're soul winning and you're going to church and reading the Bible, you're singing hymns, right? You're just like, come at me. And this anemic, skinny, little pathetic old man, why, but here's the thing, some of you, you're feeding him all the best meals. He loves all the junk that you watch on TV, he loves all of the indulgent, he loves, I mean, here's the thing, he thrives on booze. Right? I mean, you give him alcohol, I mean, he thrives on that and he's going to get strong. Hey, I want to be stronger than him so that I can win that fight more often and so that it could be easier fight. But I can't change him. All I can do is starve him out and beat the fire out of him. That's all I can do. Just kill him, mortify him, put him to death. You say, Pastor Anderson, do you have a split personality? Here's every single Christian in the world has a split personality. If you're saved, you have a split personality. If you don't have two natures, if you don't have, you know, you're not even saved. You say, I only have one. Well, yeah, it's the old man. That's all you've got. The new man doesn't exist. I've got both. It's a battle. It's a fight, you know, it's, you know.