(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This is how I taught my kids to sit still in church. Get this how I did it. I sit them down, I line them up, and I read them the Bible. My wife sits them down, lines them up, and reads them through the Bible a half hour. And they're not allowed to move, they're not allowed to talk, they're not allowed to get up. This is training them for church. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, we sit our kids down, line them up in a row, and read them the Bible for an hour, for 45 minutes, for 30 minutes, whatever the case may be. We have the belt right there. We have the cooking spoon right there. We have the rod right there. Do they act up? Yes. The second they act up, they get a spanking. Pretty soon they learn that they have to sit still and listen. Now they're to the point where we can go a whole time without any spankings. They'll all just sit there, they're listening to the Bible, you're reading the Bible. That's great for you too, doing the reading, because you're getting the Bible too. They're getting the Bible, and they're learning how to behave in church. I've told that to people, and their kids' behavior in church started to improve because they put that into practice at home. It's going to take work, not drugs, not psychotropic drugs, not dope, but it's going to take work by you, the parent, of loving your kids enough to read them the blessed Word of God, the powerful Word of God, so that they can learn to come to church and sit still and know that God is God. Be still and know that I'm God, so that they can sit in church and listen to the still, small voice of God through the Word of God being preached.