(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) what's being taught in scripture and you know a perfect example of this and I'm just gonna call it out by name because it's a common report and because he's rubbing our nose in it this Kent Hovind garbage and let me tell you this guy look and I defended Kent Hovind when his wife is divorcing him but you know what I'm gonna call him out right now and you say well it's no your business well you know what he goes on YouTube and puts out a video telling everybody if you don't agree with me committing adultery then you're a hypocrite and a Pharisee well you know what I'm a Pharisee then I'm a Pharisee yet you know what actually Kent Hovind in Matthew 19 it was the Pharisees that justified divorce and remarriage read the Bible folks Matthew chapter 19 the Pharisees came to Jesus and said you can divorce your wife for any reason you want that's what the Pharisees believe that's what rabbinical Judaism teaches that's what they taught no it was Jesus who rebuked the Pharisees and said no you when you get married it's till death and what God is showing together let not man put asunder look if Kent Hovind wants to marry a divorced woman you know whatever that's his business but for him to get up and tell everybody oh I prayed about it I fasted and I sought godly counsel and I told God I'm willing to do whatever you want God and this is what God led me to do to marry a divorced woman that's a lie out of the pit of hell God would never lead you to disobey the Bible and look if he would have just said well you know what I'm gonna marry a divorced woman because I'm I'm weak I've been in prison for years and you know I I'm throwing up my hands on my marriage I give up I'm just getting you know what whatever I wouldn't even make a big deal out of it because you know that's his business he's the one who's gonna deal with the consequences for that I'm not that and but you know what when he's just gonna publicly announce and he even said I want this to be an example to other divorced people that's what he said who heard him say it yes am I making this up he flat-out said I want other people are divorced to see this example well you mean you mean where you're already you're already scheming on a divorced woman before your wife has even divorced you were defending you in April and you've been scheming on this other woman since February and you know what people try to say oh Ken Hovind there's nothing he could do about his wife leaving how do you know and even if that's true ok is he marrying a single is he marrying a widow no he's marrying a divorced woman go to Luke 16 and look if you're divorced and you're remarried I'm not attacking you I'm not mad at you look I have lots of good friends that are divorced remarried my parents are divorced and remarried people make mistakes but you know what if you're going to go around and start telling everybody that God told you to do that and that God wants other people to do that you're destroying people's marriages you're destroying their lives hey I don't want anybody in my church to listen to that liar Ken Hovind say oh you know it's great to divorce and get married to somebody else you're a liar Ken Hovind and here we defended you we helped you we stood up for you and then you call us Pharisees for pointing out what Jesus taught I don't want the marriages in this church to be destroyed I want every single person in this church to stay married to the person that they're married to right now I want every single person and I don't want anybody watching that Ken Hovind video and saying well my wife treats me like crap maybe there's a way out for me and I can go trade up for something different well my husband treats me like crap maybe I can go trade no it's till death and you know what I know how this game works when people want to marry somebody else you know what they do they push the other person away and then until they do they provoke them to divorce you so that they can blame oh yeah they divorce me they divorce me I've seen it don't you tell me it's not out there when people want to trade up their spouse they start treating them like dirt and they keep provoking them until finally they divorce them and they're like oh he divorced me oh there's nothing I could do oh she divorced me there's nothing I could do hey look there's no excuse for it and you know it's kind of funny when the ink isn't even dry on the divorce papers and you're already getting married and now that you're committing a double sin by marrying a divorced woman not only are you divorced she's divorced and you can you know and you say I'm gonna leave the church because I'm divorced remarried then get out get out if you're gonna justify that sin to me now look if you've been divorced and remarried and you're willing to admit that it was wrong great or if you think I'm wrong about this and you're willing to keep your mouth shut about it great but you know what I don't want anybody to get up and teach publicly that divorce and remarriage is fine because it destroys people's lives because it's that kind of teaching that gives people a way out and you know what we need to have a do-or-die attitude toward marriage and you know what it's amazing when people believe the doctrine that Jesus taught that that it's a one time you get married it's still death do us part and there's no way out except the grave isn't it amazing how people find a way to make it work they find a way to make it work but when people have this other option see let me let me put it to you this way well let's look at the scripture first Luke chapter 16 verse 18 whosoever putteth away his wife and marryeth another committeth adultery now what is there something that anybody doesn't understand about that whosoever putteth away his wife and marryeth another commit adultery you say oh he didn't put away his wife she put him away okay how about this one and whosoever marryeth her that is put away from her husband commiteth adultery commiteth adultery you marry a woman that's put away from her husband divorced from her husband you're committing adultery and if you put away your wife you're causing her to commit adultery and if a wife puts away her husband and marry somebody else I believe it says it that way what in Mark chapter 12 off the top of my head somebody help me out as a mark 12 some of you guys in the preaching class we've been going through where to find things in different chapters I want to say mark 12 is that right is it mark 10 12 in there somewhere yeah how about this one 10 11 and he saith unto them whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another commiteth adultery against her and if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another she commiteth adultery okay so he says it all different ways in Matthew Mark Luke but in Luke it said if you marry her that is put away you're committing adultery oh but I prayed about it I fast about it he said I sought godly counsel I talked to 15 pastors and 14 of them told me adultery is fine 14 of them told me that it's okay to marry a divorced woman and and it's okay for me to just now that my wife has divorced me just marry somebody else 14 compromising phonies give us their names and I'll call them out from the pulpit tube because they're destroying people's lives and look I've been in these Baptist churches that teach this doctrine of all these loopholes where you can oh well you can it's like pick an excuse and you can pretty much get divorced remarried for any reason and you know what it's like a wife swap every year look I can think of a particular independent Baptist church I went to I was there for five years and I can think of like 11 people who swapped wives while I was there think of 11 people who got divorced you know you don't do you see that going on in our church where families are constantly divorcing and all these different things no because I'll bet you that if somebody was in our church a married couple look at all the married couples around our church look around I guarantee if there is a married couple in this church and they wanted to get a divorce they'd they'd probably quit the church before they got a divorce because they'd be so ashamed to show their face here in the process of divorcing their spouse because it's so preached against it's shameful well you know what it used to be shameful in this whole nation before Christians started to just accept it oh congratulations isn't it wonderful it's not wonderful at all and this you know this thing of oh and our first kiss is going to be on our wedding day oh you saint I'm so glad you're waiting to do you're doing adultery right you're doing it right you say well I thought you're Ken Hovind's friend I'm a friend of God I'm not a friend of the world and I'm not going to I'm not going to be friends with somebody who gets up and teaches this because I love the sanctity of marriage too much and this is crystal clear in the Bible and and they they come up with all the people are coming at me with like well if the unbelieving depart all this junk mistwisting 1st Corinthians 7 okay is his wife an unbeliever hello is Ken Owen's wife not saved she's saved what is it but they're just like just throw it at the wall and see what sticks because we're going to do what we want and then this woman that he's marrying I looked on her Facebook wall three months ago she's talking about people hundreds of thousands of years ago living in some valley what in the world you're a creation scientist and you're marrying this woman that's posting a Facebook oh a hundred thousand years ago but it's like whoa you didn't watch the seminars somebody didn't see the seminar you say mind your own business yeah I would if he kept it his own business but when he brings it to a public forum said hey let me teach everybody who's divorced let me encourage you all to say it let me encourage you to disregard the commandments of God and then they'll say oh well we're all guilty we're all okay well then why don't we just all swap wives then and then nobody can judge because we're all we've all lusted once so let's all just swap wives kind of stupidity is that who believes in this junk the Bible says you stay married you stay married until you die and if the wife departs from her husband she's to remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband that's what the Bible says the Bible says you marry a divorced woman you're committing adultery the Bible says you divorce your spouse and marry someone else you're committing adultery the Bible says you divorce your spouse and they marry someone else that you cause them to commit adultery you cause them to commit adultery by divorcing them so oh well his wife divorced him well then she's causing him to commit adultery and then he's committing double adultery by marrying a divorced woman and you know what he hasn't done it yet so maybe his true friend is the one who's telling him the truth so he could repent and get it right. I am never going to compromise on this issue. It's crystal clear in the Bible, but you know I'll tell you one reason why people compromise on this because half the people in America are divorced so therefore they don't want to step on any toes. Sorry if I'm stepping on your toes tonight, but you know what I'm not preaching against the people who've already made the mistake. I'm preaching to the people that are still married and you know what if you're divorced and remarried, you need this sermon too so that you don't move on to the third wife. You need to stay married to who you're married to right now so that you don't become Elizabeth Taylor so that you don't become Jerry Lee Lewis. What do you have eight wives? I mean so that you don't go down that road my friend and by the way your spouse is probably you say oh man I'd have such a great marriage if I could just switch spouses. No you you're the problem and you're going to bring that problem with you. You're going to bring that problem with you. You're the one look you pick that person. Something's wrong with you. You're probably going to pick another. You're probably going to pick another. You're probably going to make another bad choice. So the point is look and you know what at the end of the day you can huff and puff and get mad at Pastor Anderson, but Jesus said it in Matthew five Matthew 19 Mark 10 and Luke 16. Four times it's laid out crystal clear and I'm not just going to sit here and and just you know let somebody just publicly somebody who we've you know stood for when when he was a victim and then he just stands up and just says not only am I going to commit sin which you know if people commit sin right we're supposed to forgive them if they commit sin right forgive them. Okay but here's the thing though there's a difference between forgiving somebody and that person saying no no I'm not committing sin I'm doing God's will and let me teach other people to do it. I mean he he tried to compare first he said first he said what he's doing is not a sin then he's compared it to the woman taken in adultery. It's like well is it a sin or not and he said oh it's like the woman taking adultery except I don't remember the part where the woman taken in adultery made a big speech about how she prayed fasted and sought godly counsel and committed adultery. Do you really think that Jesus would have treated her nicely if she would have got up and said that no he treated her that way she was repentant. Okay he told her go and sin no more and she didn't argue with him what are you talking about Jesus how can I sin no more when I didn't even sin the first time. Is that what she said no when he said go sin no more I'm sure she probably said yes sir. When did the woman taken adultery put a video on youtube saying I want to be