(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) False prophet, false teacher, here's a name for that, Dr. Jack Skop, Hammond, Indiana, pervert, weirdo, look at all this, you know, I don't have time to go into that, but believe me, that guy is a pervert. I mean, he gets up and talks about the dirtiest stuff imaginable, and that Christian womanhood spooktacular in October, or spectacular, sorry, the Christian womanhood spooktacular, where they get up and they literally, ladies get up and teach sex ed, and teach graphic things about the bedroom. In Howells Anderson College, they had a book in the library by Tim LaHaye called The Act of Marriage, it's pornography. It is the raunchiest pornography, period. Say, oh, I can't believe you said that. You know what, if you want to, if you feel like poisoning your mind, go pick up a copy of it, you'll throw it across the room within 30 seconds if you have any Christianity at all, because it has dirty pictures in it, and dirty writing in it. I brought it into the office when I was in Howells Anderson, I slammed it on the desk, I said, what is this? This is pornography, it's filthy. Clint Cabaniss, independent fundamental Baptist pastor in Oregon, wrote a book called When Rescay is Okay, graphically describing the act between a man and a woman, graphically, detail by detail, moment by moment, second by second, he's a false prophet, he's a false teacher, he's a pervert, Jack Scott's a pervert, saying that communion, likening communion to what a man does with his wife, likening the broken body of Jesus Christ to going to bed with somebody, filthy, filthy dreamer. Where do they dream up this stuff? They're filthy, they're animus, that's what the Bible says.