(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The point is you don't have to be a perfect person to live for God and not only that there's always gonna be something in your life that's going wrong like your life's never gonna be perfect and some people the reason why they're so unhappy is because they are trying to have a perfect life and they're unhappy because they just they always feel like they're almost there and then something goes wrong you know I'm just about to turn the corner financially here's it's it's round you're in a you're in a you're in a round room trying to turn the corner all right there's no corner and here's the thing I guarantee this and I'm not trying to just be a downer I guarantee this when you turn the corner financially and you're like man my finances are great then your health will go bad or your relationships will go bad or your job will go bad or something why because our life is never going to be perfect so you have to learn like the Apostle Paul said in whatsoever state you are there with to be content you've got to learn to be content don't just be like oh man once I get my finances straighten out then I'll be happy once I could get my marriage straightened out then I'll be happy once I can get my wayward children straightened out and on track then I'll be happy once I can get my church to man if I could just get in the right church if I could just get in a church that's preaching the truth man then everything's gonna be great yeah except what about all the people that are in a great church and still whining about something else and complaining and murmuring why because there are two kinds of people in this world people that are people that are content people that are not content it has nothing to do with their circumstances if you're the Apostle Paul you can be content in jail you can be content in a shipwreck you can be content in any situation because he said I've learned in whatsoever state I am there with to be content and then other people you can give them all these luxuries and they're always gonna find something wrong with it well but you know look at Haman Haman's the perfect example the book of Esther he's got ten sons he's got riches power fame honor and he literally says well none of this avail of me anything as long as I see Mordecai the Jew you know not bowing to me so it's like one thing in his life just negates all the good things for him and you know what people are like that everything's great in their life is all my finances it's like what about your health you're in perfect health what about your wonderful wife what about your wonderful children you know or it's just like oh man my marriage work hey are you saved are you going to heaven don't seek to have a perfect life because you're gonna be a super unhappy person since it's never gonna happen you're chasing something that doesn't exist no one's life is perfect no one's and the people that you envy because all you see is what they post on Facebook where they they really polished the apple and paint a really rosy picture guess what you don't see all the ugly things in their life I guarantee you that they're there everybody has bad things and and and and pain and suffering and just problems and if it's not relationships if it's not family if it's not fine it's always gonna be something now you say well I don't know I know some people they just seem like they're always happy and everything's it's not because their life's perfect it's because they've learned in whatsoever state they are in to be content that's why they're always jovial and happy and and they seem like everything's going great because you know what to them it is going great because they're just they're just focusing on all the good things