(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In your childhood and youth, you go out, you party, you have a good time, you sew your wild oats, and then you settle down into real life when you're about 30. I mean, isn't this what the world kind of teaches? Hey, you're young, don't tie yourself down with a serious job. Don't get tied down with a wife and kids. What are you doing? You got to go out and party and enjoy and don't grow up too fast, they'll say. But wait a minute, what does the Bible say? Does the Bible say, hey, don't grow up too fast? Does the Bible say, I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid? There's a million toys of Toys R Us that I can play with, from trucks to games to video games and biggest toys, I don't want to grow up and even if I did, I'd want to be a Toys R Us kid. But look, this is the way people are living their life today. I mean, it's a joke, people. That commercial was joking. But there are people out there who literally are in their 30s and 40s and are really into video games. It's out there. This is probably the first generation of 30-year-old people and 40-year-old people that play video games. Because video games weren't invented. And here's the thing, when you tried to show, I mean, when video games first came out and you tried to show a 40-year-old, they had no interest. I remember, you know, putting my dad in front of Super Mario Brothers. This is what he did. He just ran straight ahead, ran straight into the first little goomba. You know what I mean? You know that first little goomba, all you have to do is just jump. He just ran right into that goomba and just died and then he's just like, this is stupid, I'm never playing again. He's never played. I don't think he's ever played, you know. We finally later talked him into Duck Hunt just because it was kind of like you're shooting or whatever. But he got so mad at that little dog, you know, he's like shut up, you know. But look, but nowadays though, but the kids who grew up with it though, some of them don't want to let it go. And you know it and I know it, there are people in their 20s, 30s, 40s that are now playing video games. That's how they spend their life. I mean, it's so childish, it's so juvenile. Or what about this? He said, look, childhood and youth are vanity. Yeah, go out and live your fun, youth and party and whatever. He said, God's going to bring you into judgment for it and it's all emptiness. It's all vanity. It's all worthless anyway. I mean, look, why would you want to go out and party your whole 20s away, right? And then, okay, now I'm 30, I'm going to settle down. Then the whole rest of your life, you're going to be like, whoa, this isn't as fun as what I was doing.