(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Because what did he say? He said, look, he's going to bring to remembrance all things whatsoever I have said to you. So he's not just going to show up and start leading you contradictory to what is revealed in the written Word of God. Rather, he reminds you of the Word of God. He brings the Word of God to your remembrance and his guidance and his leading is always going to be in line with and consistent with what is revealed in the written Word. We have to be careful because there are a lot of people who will say, oh, God told me this. God spoke to me. And in reality, it is often a figment of their imagination. I mean, people in false religions will say the same thing. Unsaved people will say that and you know that God is not speaking to them, especially when they say, well, God told me and then they bring out something that's just contradicting the Bible. So who am I supposed to believe? You or the Bible? And if God is speaking to them with these extra biblical revelations and giving them all these new truths, well, let me grab a pen and write them in the back of my Bible so I can have all of God's Word. But in reality, I already have all of God's Word right here in this book and I'm not looking for an extra biblical revelation. You see, here's the thing about extra biblical revelations in 2022. If they are in line with what the Bible says, then they're unnecessary because we already have the Bible saying the same thing. And if they are not in line with what the Bible says, then they are false. So if they're saying what the Bible says, okay, redundant. I've got it right. I've got everything right here. Genesis to Revelation. And if they're not in line with the Bible, they're a liar. And so it's that simple, my friend. We do not need extra biblical revelation, but what we do need is the Holy Spirit guiding us in our lives. Every single day we want to be led by the Holy Ghost. We want to be guided into all truth. When I read my Bible, I want the Holy Spirit to be teaching me the Bible as I'm reading the Bible. When I'm sitting in church and listening to the Word of God preached, I need the Holy Ghost to help me to understand what's being preached and to help me to discern whether what's being preached is right or not. And many times when I make a decision in my life, I'm going to make that decision. I'm going to pray to God and ask for his guidance. And I'm just going to trust that God is going to subtly guide me because he promised that if I acknowledge him in all my ways, that he will direct my paths. And one of the ways he does that is through the Holy Spirit living inside of me, guiding me, revealing truth to me, and showing me what is wrong and what is right.