(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, let me ask you this, is it biblical to say that the body and the spirit cannot be separated or that the body and the soul cannot be separated? Well, James 2 26 says, for as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. Now that right there defines death as being the body without the spirit. See when the spirit leaves the body, the body's dead. They're saying, well, the body and the spirit can't be separated. That's what Ellen G. White taught. Now, how many times in the Bible, I don't have time to read all these, but when the Bible wants to tell us that somebody died, you know how it says that they died? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve times in the Bible. If it wants to say so and so died, you know what it says twelve times? He gave up the ghost. You know what ghost means? Spirit. He gave up the ghost. As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. That's why when it says that Abraham gave up the ghost, the spirit left his body. He gave up the ghost. Now, it says in Acts chapter 2 31, he, seeing this before, spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell, neither did his flesh seek refuge. Now look, was Jesus' body in hell? But the Bible says his soul was in hell. His body was where? In the tomb. Now, in the story that we read in Luke 16 about the rich man and Lazarus, remember how the rich man went to hell? And remember how Lazarus was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom? Let me ask you this. Was their body carried there? No. Because look, when somebody dies, their body is still here. We bury it. It doesn't go anywhere, does it? I mean, when somebody dies, do they just magically disappear? Like a sci-fi movie, they just kind of fade away and they're gone, you know? No, when somebody dies, their body remains. And what the Seventh-day Adventist teaches is that, well, the body and the spirit cannot be separated. Can you show me that in the Bible? No, you can't. I can show you 12 times where somebody gave up the ghost. I can show you where Jesus gave up the ghost. I can show you where Abraham gave up the ghost. I can show you where the body without the spirit is dead. And that's exactly consistent with giving up the ghost.