(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And so I feel like the biggest takeaway from Daniel chapter 4, as I look at this, is don't ever have this attitude that Nebuchadnezzar had that says, well, I did this myself. And you know, I've even heard Christians say things like this, even to my face, where I said to somebody, hey, God gave you everything you have. I mean, God has really blessed you. Wow, you're really blessed by God. Look at what you're doing financially. Isn't it amazing how God's blessed you? And I just said it in a friendly way, a kind way. I wasn't trying to make some point or anything. I was just like, you know, I mean, we as Christians, isn't that just, we say stuff like that, right? We see a fellow Christian thriving and being blessed, and so we might say something like, man, God's really blessing you. You know, sometimes when I've seen somebody and they're way younger than I think, I've said to them, man, God's really keeping you young. Right? God's keeping you young. God's keeping you healthy. Man, God's really blessing you. I mean, isn't that just a natural reaction when we see God's people being blessed? But I've had somebody say, I've said to somebody, you know, hey, God's really blessing you, and had them say something along the lines of like, well, I don't think it's necessarily God, it's just that I worked hard. I mean, that's a scary thing to say, am I right? And by the way, you know, one of the works of the flesh that Christians can commit is blasphemy. Am I right? I mean, that's listed as one of the works of the flesh. In Galatians chapter 5, if we walk in the flesh, one of those sins that we can commit is blasphemy. And by the way, that's blasphemous to say things like that, to basically to say things like, God's not involved, God seeth not. I mean, these are things that the Bible specifically warns, don't say this. Don't say that God's not watching. Don't say that God seeth not. Don't say that you did this by yourself. Don't, you know, give God the glory. I mean, what if I said to somebody, man, God's really keeping you young. And they said, well, God has nothing to do with it. It's just my diet. It's my skin cream. It's my healthy lifestyle. I'm staying out of the sun or whatever, which I go in the sun as much as I can. Amen. But, you know, I'm going to give God the glory. If, you know, if I achieve anything, if I'm blessed by anything, man, I'm just going to give God all the glory. And you should be scared to death to say something like, well, I got here by working hard, not necessarily by the blessing of God. I don't know how God, how involved God even is in my life. Well, you may not know how involved God is in your life. I believe you that you don't know because I don't always know exactly what God's doing in my life either. Usually looking back it makes sense, but at the time you don't always know. But, you know, here's what you do know, that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. And that anything good that's going in our life, God is the one who allowed that and the hairs of our head are numbered, so whether he's necessarily involved super directly or not, he could be involved whenever he wants. And anything good that's happening is from the hand of God and God could take it away in a moment. And so you are very foolish to ever not give God the glory in your life. Always give God the glory. With your lips, but especially in your heart. You know, I don't even think that Nebuchadnezzar is necessarily even saying this to another person. I mean, he walked in the palace of the king of Babel. I mean, maybe he's saying it to other people, but maybe he's just saying it to himself. I think the point is that this is what he thinks. This is how he feels. And so don't ever even feel this way. Don't ever even think this way. Always acknowledge God. Give him the glory. It is God that gives you the power to get wealth, Deuteronomy. It is God who holds your breath in his hand. It is God who gives every good gift and every perfect gift. Anybody gives me a gift, I thank the person who gave me the gift, but I'm also even thanking God even more. You say, well, hey, don't give God the credit for what I gave you. Yes, I will. If you give me stuff, I'm going to thank God. I'm not saying I'm not going to thank you, but I'm going to thank God, first and foremost, because ultimately, God is the one who allowed you to be in my life to give me that gift, and so it came from God. Any success I had at my job, back when I worked a secular job, it wasn't just because I was smart or talented or effective. It was because God blessed me. Because you know what? There were some days that God didn't bless me, and things went very poorly. And it doesn't matter how smart you think you are, you can have problems at your job. You can lose everything. Even a righteous man like Job could lose everything from one day to the next, and so can you. So you better be fearing and trembling before God and thanking God every single day. And don't ever get this attitude, because even if God loves you, even if God cares about you, even if you're a child of God, which means that God loves and cares about you, and you're a saved child of God, you're born again, you could never lose your salvation, you've been passed from death to life, God could still mess you up on this earth.