(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know what, let me break something to you. Did you know that there are times when I fight with my wife? You probably don't believe that, do you? Because I'm Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky-Land. See, she's walking out of the service right now. Because I'm Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky-Passer, I'm going to change this church to Adventure Church. Instead of Faith Forward Baptist Church, we're going to call it Adventure Church. Safari. Here we go. Safari Baptist. No, no, not Baptist, Safari Christian Church. How do you like that? Pastors Steven and Susanna Anderson. Let's call it the Escape Church. Let's call it the Happy Time Church. Look, the truth of the matter is, if you're a man, and there's a big if there, if you're a man, you know what, there's going to be some times when you have to fight with your wife. Did you know that? You don't like this kind of preaching, do you? You don't like somebody to get up and tell the truth, because I'm supposed to be Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky-Land. When my wife and I first got married, and my wife is a very godly, righteous Christian woman, but when my wife and I first got married, there were some disagreements that we had about some really core issues, like what she was going to wear, things like that. Do you think that I just, well, we've just got to have peace at any cost. There were times when I went into her closet and took her clothes and threw them in the trash. Do you think it was fun? Do you think it made us have a happy marriage and happy children and happy life? No, because when you do what's right, there's going to be some fighting sometimes. There's going to be some friction sometimes, and don't be scared because you fight with your wife sometimes, or as a woman, you fight with what you fought with your husband for. Don't let that scare you. Don't let that bother you, oh, I'm not in God's will. I need to go to Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky-Land. No, maybe there's a little bit of fighting that goes on in life.