(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Everything I believe, listen to me now, every doctrine that I believe is based on a clear statement in the Bible. And if you can't think of a clear statement in the Bible to back up your doctrine, you probably got the wrong doctrine. It's that simple. But we need to differentiate between the statements of God in the Bible and the statements of man in the Bible. You see, a lot of people say a lot of things in the Bible that aren't true. For example, the devil speaks in the Bible and we know there's no truth in him. Here's a perfect example. In Luke 2 33, the Bible reads about Jesus and Joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him. So the Bible is very clear here that Joseph and his mother, and notice it doesn't say his father and mother because Joseph is not Jesus' father. The Bible says Joseph and his mother. So you try to show people that have these modern perversions of the Bible, like the NIV, the New American Standard, the Living Bible, the RSV, the ASV, the HIV, the SUV, you know, whatever. They got the wrong Bible and you try to tell them, look, your Bible is calling Joseph Jesus' father. That's wrong. That's blasphemy. That's a false doctrine. The King James has it right. Your Bible's got it wrong. And you know what they'll say to you? And I've had many say this. What about in verse 48, where the King James says that Joseph is Jesus' father? And they'll say, you fool. In verse 48, the KJV says Joseph's Jesus' father. Read for me, Brother Garrett, Luke 2 33 in the New American Standard Version. And his father and mother were amazed at the things which were being said about him. So there you go. So there's the New American Standard calling Joseph Jesus' father. The King James just calls him Joseph. Okay. Now look at Luke 2 48 and let's see if these modern Bible people are right. Let's see if the King James Bible says that Joseph is Jesus' father. It says in verse 48, and when they saw him, they were amazed and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou dealt thus with us? Behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. Is that God talking? But listen, Roman Catholic, Mary isn't God. Somebody needs to tell these bunch of Roman Catholics who are defending these modern versions that Mary isn't God. And so if Mary says he's the father, she's wrong. And get this, it gets even clearer. He corrects her in the next verse. He tells her she's wrong. Look at the next verse. And he said to them, how is it that she saw me? Because when you're going to say, behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing, Jesus' answer is, how is that even possible? How is it possible for my father to be seeking for me when my father's in heaven and knows everything? He's not looking for me. He knew exactly where I was. And that's why she says, behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. Is that true? Is it true that Jesus' father and her and she had been seeking? No. So look what she says. He said to them, how is it that she sought me? Wished ye not, that means, did you not know that I must be about my father's business? So right there, he's saying, wait a minute, this is my father's business. You're talking about my father as being this carpenter. This carpenter is not my father. I'm about my father's business right now, which is preaching and teaching God's word. That's the business that my father is and that's the business I'm about. That's why I don't like this bumper sticker that says my boss is a Jewish carpenter because there's no evidence in the Bible that Jesus was a carpenter. And so we see evidence here that he's saying, this is my father's business preaching and teaching God's word. Now I'm not saying that he was for sure not a carpenter. I don't know. Perhaps he did carpentry. I'm not saying that he didn't or did, but I'm not going to put a bumper sticker on my car just assuming something that the Bible never teaches one time because the Bible never teaches one time that he's a carpenter. The only time we see him building anything is, you know, he's going to prepare a place for us in heaven, but I don't think wood is going to be the building material. You know, I'm hoping for something a little more sturdy than that if it's going to last for all eternity. You know, gold, silver, precious stones, you know, something like that, man, granite, right? Some kind of masonry or something, man. So anyway, what I'm saying is you need to differentiate between when God's talking and when man's talking. You know, when man speaks in the Bible, what he says may or may not be true. A lot of things that Mary says in the Bible are great things that are true. Other things that Mary said were not correct as in the case in point here. So always differentiate when you're reading the Bible. Wait a minute. Cause a lot of times the verses that people struggle with the most, I can't understand this. It's like God didn't say that. That's quoting man there. That's not quoting God. But he, see in Luke 2 33, the narrator of the book is speaking. That's the Holy Ghost speaking. So in that new American standard, the Holy Spirit is calling Joseph Jesus father and the King James, the Holy Spirit doesn't make mistakes. He gets it right. Joseph and his mother.