(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, Mordecai has the faith to know that somehow God's going to step in, somehow God's going to deliver them. But he warns her, he says, you know, if you don't step in and help here, you're going to be the one that gets killed. We're all going to survive and you're going to die. Now, it's interesting that he says that because, you know, you say, well, how did he know that? But what he's talking about is that, you know, there's a divine justice. The Bible teaches that what's over a man soweth, that shall he also reap. And when I was reading this, I thought of a statement that Jesus made over and over again. You can turn to Luke 17, 33, if you like. But this is just one place where Jesus made this statement. But Jesus made this statement many, many times. And this is just one of them. But in Luke 17, 33, he said, whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it. And whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. And so there we see the concept like Mordecai is saying, that if she seeks to save her life, that she's going to lose it. Now, I think that what we learn from this is that we need to just worry about doing what's right in our lives and not try to, you know, look at the outcomes and the odds or the probabilities of, you know, how we're going to end up being safe. You know, the Bible says safety is of the Lord. And so the safest place that you can be is where God wants you to be, doing the will of God and not always worrying about how things are going to turn out. And, you know, I was thinking about this. People have often said to me, because I've preached a lot of controversial sermons or preached a lot of hard preaching. And then, you know, basically every sermon that I preach is put out on the Internet and it's put out on YouTube and it's put out on the church website and it's downloaded by many people. And people have often said to me, you know, aren't you afraid? They said, aren't you afraid of, you know, preaching on a subject like, let's say, spanking your children, right? Which the Bible is crystal clear on. I mean, the Bible says withhold not correction from the child, for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell. And the Bible says he that spareth his rod hateth his son, but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. And people say, well, aren't you afraid of just saying that so loudly? You know, just getting up and preaching that and getting up and preaching that the Bible teaches to spank your children and getting up and saying that and then putting that out on the Internet, you know, and then everybody, I mean, aren't you afraid that somebody is going to turn you in or try to report you for child abuse or, you know, report you to the CPS or whatever? But you know what? Honestly, I'm afraid not to preach it. I'm not afraid to preach that. I'm afraid not to, because you know what? There's only one person that I'm supposed to be afraid of, and that's God Almighty and no one else, no one else. I am commanded by God not to fear anyone except him alone. He doesn't want to share that with anyone. We are to fear God and keep his commandments. And the Bible says the fear of man bringeth a snare. And the Bible says not to fear those that kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul, but rather fear them, which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. You know, God is the one who holds my faith in his hand. God has the power to lift me up or to put me down. And so that's the one I ought to be afraid of. And you know what? If I were to sit there and hide the truth under a bushel tonight and take the truth of God's word, the light of the glorious gospel, and not just the gospel of Jesus Christ, but also every word of God, the teachings of God's word, I as a preacher, I'm supposed to preach all the counsel of God. I'm supposed to preach all of God's commandments and teach everything. You know, if I hide it under a bushel, don't you think that God could find a way to make what I fear come upon me? Think about that now. God might look down and be angry and say, wait a minute, you call yourself a pastor, you call yourself a man of God, you call yourself a man of God, you call yourself a preacher, you stand up behind the pulpit with the Bible and you're censoring the message because of fear. You're fearing man, you're fearing government, you're fearing the devil, and you're not preaching everything in the Bible like I told you to. Shame on you. And he might just look down and say, you know, I'm going to curse your life because you are abusing your position as pastor. You're standing up there pretending to be the messenger of the Lord of hosts, pretending to be a man of God as you withhold the truth from God's people and leave them in darkness because you're afraid to preach the truth. Let me tell you something. If the truth isn't preached, then people don't know the truth. Now, would to God that every church member would read their Bible cover to cover multiple times a year, but let's face it, that's not always the case. And I wish you would. I wish you would read the Bible every day. But you know what? Honestly, people need preaching, you know, because they're not, not everybody's doing the reading that they're supposed to be doing, number one. And number two, things that we read need to be reinforced with Bible preaching from the pulpit. People need preaching to get them stirred up. And you know what? If I just said, well, you know what? You know, a lot of places they're starting to make it maybe illegal to spank your kids and, you know, they're starting to come down on you and they have all this power to abuse you, you know, and this and that and take away your kids. You know, and then I say, you know, I better just back off on that subject. You know what? You know what's going to happen then? People aren't going to spank their kids like they should. Because they're not getting that encouragement. And probably other places in their life, they're getting mother-in-laws and hags of other female relatives or limp-wristed male relatives saying, oh, don't spank their children. You know, they're probably getting the opposite. They're probably getting opposition to spank their children. And you know, pretty soon that's going to wear them down. But when they come to church, it's like they can get somebody that'll back them up and bolster them and say, hey, here's what the Bible says. Here's what the book of Proverbs says. Here's what the New Testament says in the book of Hebrews about disciplining your children. And you need to spank your children. And then a lot of people will say this. Well, I know the Bible says to spank my children, but, you know, these days you got to be careful because, you know, it could be illegal and my relatives are all against it and so blah, blah. But, you know, when they come to church and the pastor gets up and says, he that spareth his rod hateth his son, but he that loveth him chasteth him betimes. You know, that's going to bolster them. That's going to cause them to say, yeah, I do need to spank. I need to love my children and discipline them and lovingly correct them. But if they don't hear that preaching, it's not going to happen. Then a whole generation grows up without discipline, without proper upbringing and goes to the devil. Okay. And so what I'm saying is, you know, we need to get out of this mentality where we're always, you know, living in fear, often scared of our own shadow, you know, afraid of phantoms and constantly saying, oh man, I don't know if I should do this. If I preach this because, you know, I could get in trouble. You know what? Why don't we just focus more on doing what's right in the sight of God and let the chips fall where they may.