(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, usually when you hear the term, once saved, always saved, it's out of the mouth of people who are criticizing that doctrine, or, oh, you're one of those once saved, always saved. But you know what? I'll just embrace it. I think it's a great way to explain what we believe. It's a great term to embrace. And all throughout the Bible, and all throughout history, derogatory terms that have been used against God's people have been embraced by God's people. For example, they were called Christians by others. They were called Baptists in the Middle Ages, many times, for re-baptizing people after they'd just been sprinkled as babies. You know, people will attack us and use terms like easy believism, once saved, always saved. I say to all of it, amen. I'm a Baptist, I'm Christian, once saved, always saved, easy believism. It's easy to be saved. You believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. And you know what? It's the hard part that was done by Jesus on the cross. I mean, how hard is it to get saved? Well, it's as hard as taking a drink of water. It's as hard as eating a piece of bread. It's as hard as opening a door and walking through it. It's as hard as calling upon the name of the Lord. That's what the Bible teaches.