(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, when you look at the book of Mark, it has, in your King James Bible, 678 verses. So if you were to just count up quickly, you could just go to the end of chapter 1 and see, okay, chapter 1 has 45 verses, chapter 2 has 28 verses, chapter 3 has 35, et cetera. And if you put those into a calculator, your 16 chapters, you would end up with 678 verses in the book of Mark. And what's funny is that if you were to take out these verses that they're telling you, hey, these aren't original, you know, verses 9 through 20 in chapter 16, right? That's 12 verses. So if you were to take out these 12 verses that they're saying are not original, instead of having 678 verses, you'd have 666 verses in a book that's called Mark. And what does the Bible say is the mark of the beast? 666. 666. And people will say, oh, Pastor Anderson, you fool, don't you know that in the original there were no verse divisions? Yeah, except we're not talking about the original because the original didn't take out this section anyway. We're talking about the NIV tonight. And the NIV, last time I checked, is an English translation that has verse numbers. And it's called Mark. And it wants to remove 12 verses from the end of the book of Mark, leaving a book of Mark that has 666 verses in it. That should just show you the demonic influence behind these new versions. But you know, you already knew that anyway, when they're constantly taking away the deity of Christ, they're constantly attacking important biblical doctrines and changing salvation to works, et cetera, et cetera. You know, somebody just showed me that in the New Living Translation, where Jesus Christ in Mark chapter 1 says, you know, repent and believe the gospel, it changes it in the New Living to repent of your sins and believe the gospel. They just add that in there. That's not what it says. The repentance was that they need to start believing in Jesus, turn away from what they believed that was false and turn unto the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. But they just add that phrase that changes everything, of your sins. And that's what they're doing to the book of Mark. They're corrupting it, they're perverting it. So what do you lose when you cut out verses 9 through 20 as these modern versions tell us, hey, you know, these aren't really in the original? Well, you lose these key proofs of Christ's resurrection and you lose one of the most famous verses in the whole Bible, verse 15, go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. That's a pretty important verse. And you say, well, it doesn't really matter. You know, these new versions pretty much say the same thing. They make all these key changes. And even though they print verses 9 through 20, anybody who's reading one of the modern versions, doubt is placed in their mind. Hey, this probably wasn't in the original. So then what are they going to do? When they read verses 9 through 20, they're going to kind of take it with a grain of salt. Well, you know, maybe this is original, maybe it isn't. It's not going to have the same authority to them as it would without that note. You know, for example, I have a real life story about this. When I was a teenager, I was in a church that taught the NIV and the youth leader made a statement. You know, nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to preach the gospel to every creature as you often hear people say, like preach it to everybody. He said what the Bible says is make disciples. It doesn't say to just preach the gospel to everybody. It doesn't tell us just go around preaching the gospel to people. It actually says make disciples. And I was a teenager at this time and I didn't really know the Bible that well. I'd never read it cover to cover at this point. But I knew that the Bible told us that we needed to preach it to everybody. And so I thought, you know, I know it's at the end of the gospels. I didn't know which one, Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. So I start flipping in my Bible, I'm like what's this guy saying? You know, this guy's lying. I need to find this. So I'm searching. So I go to the end of Matthew and it says, you know, go ye therefore and teach all nations. Baptize them. And I said, well, teach all nations. I showed him that. And he said, nope, nope. It's supposed to say make disciples. And in the new versions, they changed it from teach all nations to make disciples of all nations. He tried to say like make disciples, you know, that's talking about taking somebody and guiding them and teaching them everything. Like they wouldn't like what we do for soul winning. Because we just go out and just give the gospel to hundreds of people and just give the gospel, give the gospel, give the gospel. They say, no, no, no. You just take one person and just deal with that one person for years, you know. So basically in your whole life, you know, you give the gospel to a couple of people or whatever on these people's program. Well, that's not what I see in the Bible. I see them in the Bible giving the gospel to multitudes. Multitudes are being saved. Thousands of people are being saved, baptized. They're going from village to village. They preach in a village and then boom, next village. Preach in that village, next village. Getting the gospel out to everybody. That's our job to evangelize. So I showed him that in Matthew. And he said, no, let's make disciples. It's totally different. So I'm like, okay, you know, let's try Mark. So I go to Mark and I'm like, yeah, there it is. Preach the gospel to every creature. Oh, that's not in the original. See, it says right here that the earliest manuscripts don't even have that. You know, and I'm like, well, Luke, you know, John, you know, trying to find it. So it does influence people's thinking because that was a youth leader in a Baptist church who said, well, that verse, he told me that verse doesn't have any authority because it wasn't really in the original. It was added later. That's what he told me when I tried to use it to prove doctrine unto him. He didn't believe in it. So you lose a lot when you tamper with this passage at the end of the book of Mark.