(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You see wicked people, and there's no punishment, there's no consequences, you know, it blows my mind. Just this week in the news, I hear about this guy, this Congressman, this filthy Congressman, and he's sending out filthy images to teenagers and young adults and strangers, and this is supposed to be the Honorable, I mean, that's what they call him. If this guy sends you something to your house, do you know what it's going to come from? Honorable Representative, so-and-so. I remember one time I got something from our Congressman at the time, Harry Mitchell, and I sent him back this petition that I wanted him to do whatever, and on the little envelope they already printed the Honorable, I crossed out Honorable, and said it to him. And he wrote back to me and said he was going to do what I wanted, that was cool, but then he didn't do it. Isn't that shocking? But he said he would. So anyway, I sent him this thing, I crossed out the Honorable, but this Honorable Representative, I mean this guy, who is making laws, think about the hypocrisy of it, he's making laws to govern your life, he wants to tell you what to do. That's what they do over there, they legislate, they make love, and he wants to tell you what is right and what is wrong, he wants to tell you how to live your life, he wants to tell you how to run your business, while he is committing the most filthy, sinful acts, according to God's word, of fornication and worse, and sending out pornography and filth as a Congressman, who knows what I'm talking about, put up your hand if you know what I'm talking about. Almost everybody has heard this in the news this week. Is he fired? No. Is he resigning? No. Is he being punished, is the Congress voting to censure him and to have consequences for his actions? I mean, let's face it, if you worked at a job working in minimum wage today, and you engaged in that kind of behavior, you would be fired from that job, would you not? You'd be fired from any job for engaging in that kind of disgusting habit, but these are our leaders today, these are our representatives, they took a poll of his district, and in his district, according to their poll, 56% of people said he needs to stay on the Keep him on the job. Well, it sounds like he represents that district pretty well. You know, if that's who they want represented, that's the kind of filth that they want in that job. It sounds like they've got what they wanted. And you look at that and you say, where's the consequences for this guy? I mean, this is the same guy that would make laws that if I cross the street when there's not a crosswalk, he wants me to be fined. You know what I mean? Or if I don't cross the T and dot the I on my income taxes, he's going to be all over me. But this guy can get away with anything. And we can go down the list of all the other leaders, Bill Clinton, you know, who've done the same kind of obscene things, and there's no consequence, no justice, and you know, it can begin to make you angry.