(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Christians today are actually quoting people like Gandhi today, but not only that, they're actually embracing many Hindu and Buddhist philosophies today without even knowing. Christians are being influenced by Buddhism today. Listen, Buddhism teaches, you might just not know much about Buddhism, Buddhism teaches that basically everything that's negative is bad. Hate is always bad. Fear is always bad. Anger, always bad. That's not what the Bible teaches. The Bible says there's a time to love and there's a time to hate. The Bible teaches that there's a righteous anger and there's a sinful anger. The Bible teaches that there's a righteous fear, the fear of God, and then there's an unrighteous fear, the fear of man. And so in the Bible, we have positive and negative. There are many negative things. But Buddhism, the mantra is just everything negative needs to go out. No fear, no hate, no anger, you know. And I did a sermon several months back called, you know, about Star Wars in light of the Bible because that's what Star Wars teaches. Star Wars is basically Buddhism that's being taught. Anger, fear, hatred, these are the path to the dark side, right? Sorry I didn't practice that so I didn't do it as well as I could have. So, the dark side, you know, oh good Luke, let the hatred flow through you, yes, oh yes. You know, he's not even supposed to hate the emperor or whatever, Darth Vader, or else then he's on the dark side now. As soon as he's afraid of anything, he's on the dark side, you know. As soon as he gets mad at anything, oh yes, the anger, yes, you know. But look, Christians believe this stuff. They believe it more than they believe the Bible. It's a falling away from biblical morality, biblical principles, biblical ideology, and following after these type of role models of the world, these doctrines of devils taught by people like Gandhi.