(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What's funny is that you know what people in America today teach, and even Christians teach this stupidity, that you have to get consent from your spouse every time within marriage to have a physical relationship with your spouse. But you know what I believe? Is that when I said I do, and when my wife said I do, that was consenting for the rest of our lives. And the only consent that I need is not to do it. I'll get consent to not do it. Or she'll get consent to not do it, but we're not going to get consent to do it. Because guess when you consented, when you said to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse. And it'd be like, oh, my husband raped me. What in the world? How can that even exist? That's stupid. And you say, oh, Pastor Anderson, you're nuts. No, you're nuts. Anyone who comes up with rape within marriage is an idiot. It's your wife. It's your husband. What's the matter, Pastor Anderson, why are you so shook up? Oh, my wife violated me. It's like, what in the world? It's my wife. You know, oh, I need counseling now. I've been violated by my wife. What in the world? But that's the kind of stupidity that we, I mean, what do you expect from the people who have to make a third bathroom?