(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) They can't bind the Word of God. The Word of God will always spread and there will always be a way to preach the Gospel and to preach other things in the Bible, to preach all things whatsoever Christ commanded. And so let's not get discouraged or give up and say, well, you know, YouTube's clamping down so our best days are in the past. So now it's just time to kind of ride this out and just kind of fizzle down and fade away. No, my friend, our greatest days must be ahead of us. Our greatest works must be in the future. And you know what? You say, well, I think YouTube's over. Hey, YouTube's not over. I'm not done with you, YouTube, all right? I am going to milk YouTube for everything that it's worth. And you know what? They will always find a way to still be on YouTube. They will never be able to eradicate me from YouTube. They can try all they want. They will never eradicate me from YouTube. In fact, we have a new idea that we've been working on. Here's our latest plan to strike back against the Canaanites. OK, we found out that, well, first of all, I've been thinking about this for a while, but Brother Raymond and Brother Segura, they came to me and they told me that micro SD cards. OK, you know, small and like these things are, it's like the size of the fingernail on your pinky. And it weighs about that much. I mean, this thing is light as a feather. It's tiny. Can you imagine that this little thing I hold my hand could hold one terabyte of data? One terabyte. Is that incredible or what? That equals literally like well over a thousand hours of my preaching in high definition. HD over a thousand hours, probably like fifteen hundred hours in 720 resolution. I mean, is that incredible to be able to just hold this? I mean, you could put this in envelope and mail it like a letter. One stamp. Send it all over the world for a buck twenty five or something. I mean, with the global stamp. This is incredible. OK, this technology and this is these are brand new, you know, but you've also got obviously 512 gigs, 256 gigs of an incredible amount of storage on a micro SD card. You know, we're planning on making hundreds of these things, putting like eight years of preaching in high definition video and shipping these things all over America. We're going to ship these things all over the world. And you know, we're going to encourage people to do upload these things to YouTube. Yes, but also, hey, let's let's let's fight back for some of that ground on YouTube. But you know what? We need to fight for some new ground, too, because there remains much landed here. Hey, let's get people up on these to shoot and variety on and video and Facebook and Twitter and Instagram. And let's burn up YouTube with these. Hey, if we can get hundreds of people just uploading a few videos here and there, hey, pretty soon there will be just thousands and thousands and thousands of sermons of all different channels. And look, a lot of people say they have trouble finding the sermons. Folks, it's not hard to find the sermons. It isn't hard, folks. It's really let me give you a little tutorial. It's really easy. You go to the preaching dot com. It lists every sermon for the last 15 years. And what do you there's even a little search bar where you can search for different subjects and things. You find the title of the sermon. You take that title of the sermon and you paste it into YouTube. You press enter and somebody has uploaded that sermon to YouTube. So and by the way, once we start shipping out these bad boys, hopefully there will be 20 options to choose from, eventually, you know, because we're going to get these things flooded onto YouTube with software is out there to upload a bunch of videos at the time. We've got this technology. Not only that, we plan to produce 64 gig micro SD cards that contain all the audio preaching. I can put every audio sermon that I've preached for the last 15 years, almost 2000 hours of audio preaching on like a 64 gig micro SD card in high quality crystal clarity. And I can and here's the thing. We can ship these things to the Philippines, to Africa. Hey, in the Philippines, everybody's got smartphones. 74 million smartphones in the Philippines, and it's gonna be over 90 million in the next five years, according to projections. Okay, hey, you can go to the poorest country in Africa, where they have a dirt floor in their house, but they've got a smartphone. Oh, yes, they do. It's never Apple, though. They don't have Apple. In fact, your iPhone, a lot of times won't even work in Africa, because the network's not even compatible with it. Apple's not really a thing there. Everybody has an Android smartphone all over Africa, all over the Philippines. Now, they don't have a lot of bandwidth, because they got to pay for bandwidth, but they've got a smartphone. Can you imagine just shipping thousands of these things over to Africa, the Philippines, handing them out on mission strips? You know, you can put this in somebody's hand. They can play just all kinds of, now the videos aren't gonna work very well on the phone from a car, but the audio, I mean, they've got just thousands of hours of preaching worldwide. So, folks, there are lots of ways to continue to mass distribute God's Word, mass distribute Bible preaching, and to get this stuff all over YouTube, all over social media. You know what? Let's not just sit around and rest on our laurels. Hey, let's get the Word of God out there. Let's get the preaching out there. Let's get the plan of salvation out there.