(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) the guy went into my dad's bathroom sober and just urinated all over the floor in my dad's bathroom I mean is that what you want to do kids is that what the Budweiser commercial is gonna show you huh is that what the kids are gonna tell you when they offer you marijuana and they offer you weed it's gonna open your mind man you're gonna be so creative man could open up a whole new avenue of seeing the world and you're gonna be so creative and all this stuff no you're gonna end up urinating on your buddy's bathroom floor and he's he's not gonna want you back you're not gonna be invited back and he was sober when he did that why because his mind is gone because he has destroyed his brain he's destroyed his mind it look you'd have to be a fool and that's why the Bible says wine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise and look you can tell me about all the people who drank and didn't have any problems and all the people who smoked pot and everything was fine and all the people who snorted cocaine and everything was fine but let me tell you something when you are a saved Christian and you do those things you are way less likely to get away with it because unto whom much is given of him shall much be required and if you grow up in a Christian home where your parents have taught you and where you've heard preaching that told you all the warnings and where you sat in a sermon that told you hey you can lose your mind you could get psychosis you could fry your brain you know what if you go out and you harden your neck and you bless yourself in your heart oh that's not gonna happen to me I'm gonna add drunkenness to thirst you know what you're very likely to have God bring these curses upon you you're very like because it's happening to somebody if three percent of people are getting it you know what it's happening to somebody it's probably happening to people who God is allowing it to happen to for whatever reason like maybe they were warned maybe they should have known better they angered the Lord