(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Not only music that's from the world is wrong, but music that's conformed to the world is wrong. You see, if you go into the Christian music stores of today, so-called, you will find music that is just 100% patterned after the world. You know, I had a catalog that I was going to show you, but I lost it this morning, just in getting ready and everything. So I grabbed a few of the old back issues. These are from a couple months ago. But I was looking at these. These look exactly like the world, big CD covers. I was looking at them. I mean, you can almost tell which band they're copying. You know, there's a guy on here that's got these little black braids, like twisted out in all directions. He looks exactly like Coolio, or Snoop Dogg or whatever. Coolio, I think he was like a one-hit wonder when I was a teenager. I don't know if he's still around. Coolio. He looked like Coolio. And then down on the bottom, there's a little symbol for the explicit lyrics. You know, the explicit lyrics they have on rap music CDs? And I looked at it and I said, explicit lyrics in a Christian catalog? So I looked at it and it says, non-explicit lyrics. But they're trying to look so much like the rap music cover that they actually put a symbol on there that looks like the parental advisory telling you to guard your children. Who knows what the parental advisory is? Put up your hand. If you buy CDs at the store, they have a parental advisory for explicit lyrics. Tipper Gore, I think, is the one who came out with that or something when Bill Clinton was in office to warn you about the filth that's in these CDs. And so, they even went as far as to put that on there. That's how much they're conformed to this world. Guys in here with long hair, the Bible says it's sin to have long hair. Yes, it does. 1 Corinthians chapter 11. Everything here looks straight over. Look at this. Here's a clothing that they just came out with. This is right after the CD page. Here's clothing that they came out with. It's got a symbol that looks like the symbol from a rock band Nine Inch Nails. Okay? A very satanic, evil band. Nine Inch Nails. It's the exact same symbol, but it just says, not of this world. And that's their logo. It's a Christian logo that they're advertising. The guy who's modeling it has a ring in his lip and a ring in his right ear. Two pictures of him with a ring in his lip and a ring in his right ear with a tailored shirt that tailors around the waist so that his body can look like a woman's body. Look at it after the service. It's right here. This is the Christian music catalog. Hey, get on their mailing list and you'll get this every month. If you're a preacher, it comes in handy. And then I was looking through all these. Here's a band called Skillet. Skillet, yeah. That sounds like something that's not bad enough to the world at all, is it? Okay, how about this group? Stellar Cart. Okay, it's four men on the front. The CD is hot pink. Okay, do you see this? The CD is hot pink and it looks like The Wiggles. The Wiggles revisited here. This is The Wiggles five years later. Look at this trash. Everybody on here looks like they're gay. Everybody on here does not look like a preacher, does not look like Jesus and his disciples would look, does not look like a Christian. It looks like the world. It's patterned after the world. They're advertising in here Bibles that look like a teen magazine. Biblezines, they're called. Boys, boyfriends tell all, it says, on the front of a New Testament. I'm not kidding. Go down there and look at it. It's the New Testament and it has the text of the Bible in the columns and it's filled with advertisements and pictures to make it look like a teen magazine. And of course it's not the King James Bible. It's the today's modern ecumenical perversion or whatever it is. And there was no room for him in the end. There was no room in the hospital, it says, in this particular version of Jesus. It said no room in the end. There's no room in the hospital. And then in this Biblezine it has advertisements about girlfriends and boyfriends and it's made to look like a teen magazine. See, it's conformed to the world, my friend. Why? Because it's all about money, money, money, money, money. That's why.