(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And verse number 6, blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. They shall be filled. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. You know why? Because righteousness is something that if you crave, seek, hunger for it, you will be filled. It's satisfying when you get it. Have you ever been really hungry for something, but then when you got it, it was a disappointment. It was a let down. It was not all that it was cracked up to be. Think about an experience like that you've had in your life where you got all excited about a certain meal, or a certain drink, or a certain food, whatever, and you got it, and you're so excited, and then it just wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. Oh, disappointment. This isn't what I wanted. I thought I wanted it. I thought it was going to be good. I misread the menu, or the cook is having a bad day, or whatever, it's overcooked. Something went wrong, and it's just like, meh, it wasn't even that good. Or you eat it, it makes you sick. Oh, so good. And then you get sick, vomited up. Look, this is the way a lot of things in life are. Okay, how about Amnon? You remember what he was hungry for? He was hungry for Tamar. He committed that horrible act of fornication with Tamar, and you know what, as soon as he was done committing fornication with Tamar, he hated her. So was he filled? Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for fornication. No, they're not going to be filled. They're not going to be satisfied. They're not going to get a blessing. See, if you hunger for the wrong things, you don't end up getting filled. Here's a great verse. Listen to this. Ecclesiastes 5, 10. He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver, nor he that loveth abundance with increase. If you love money, if you love riches, are you going to be filled? Are you going to be satisfied? Are you going to get to a point where you say, I have enough. This is great. I am. I've arrived. Nope. You're not going to be filled, but blessed, here's the blessed appetite. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness. Why? Because it satisfies. They're going to be filled, right? They will be filled. Here's another good verse. Habakkuk 2, 4. Behold his soul, which is lifted up. What does that mean, lifted up? Your soul is lifted up. Pride, right? And that's a theme here in the Beatitudes. The theme is being humble. The theme is that the way up is down. The theme is submitting to God and not following the ways of this world, but letting God lift you up. He says, Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him, but the just shall live by his faith. Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he's a proud man, neither keepeth at home, watch this, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people. This is talking about a great king who's conquering kingdoms and ruling, and it says that he enlarges his desire as hell. He's like the grave where he can never be satisfied. Now why does he use these two illustrations? Because we know that hell is getting larger. The Bible says in Isaiah 5-20, hell hath enlarged herself, right? So hell is continually getting larger because more people are going there. Another thing that is never satisfied is the grave or death. Why? Because the grave or death is claiming new victims every few seconds, right? Every few seconds death claims another victim. Does it ever say, alright enough people have died? No. Death is never satisfied. The Bible says in Proverbs chapter 30, there are three things that are never satisfied. Yea four things that say not, it is enough. They never say it's enough, it's over. The grave and the barren womb, the earth that is not filled with water and the, man, I have quoted that in so long. The fire. Man, I've quoted that chapter like for literally 20 years, but when you get up in front of people, it's like. So anyway, yeah, you know, he gives some examples that the barren womb, the barren womb, you know, when women are not able to have children, that's a really hard thing for them, right? And they're not satisfied. They don't say like, well, that's alright. Even if they say that on the outside, you know, on the inside, it's typically a burden for them. So if you know a woman who is not able to have children, be gracious with that person. You know, I remember there was a time when there was a particular lady, and it's no one who goes to our church here or anything, but there was a particular lady that said and did some crazy things and some rude things and some wrong things and somebody brought it to me and I told that person, I said, but you know what though, like, she really wants to have kids and can't have kids and it doesn't excuse what she did, but show her some grace, have some understanding because she's going through a really hard time because of that. I mean, think about the lady in the Bible who couldn't have kids, right, and she grabs hold of her husband and says, give me children or else I die, right? I believe it was Rachel who said that to Jacob, you know, give me children or else I die. And he said, well, am I in the place of God that is withholding from you the fruit of the womb? I'm not God. But, you know, the barren womb is not satisfied. The grave is not satisfied. The fire that sayeth not, it is enough. It just keeps burning, right, until somebody puts it out, it's just going to keep burning. It doesn't just get full and stop. The fire will just consume as much fuel as you give it, right? And of course, the earth is not filled with water, right? It keeps raining and raining and raining, but it just keeps getting absorbed and evaporating. It's never satisfied, right? So the Bible is saying that prideful people, rich people, conquerors, kings, drunkards, the Bible says in Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 5, you know what, their desire is enlarged like hell. It's like death. It can never be satisfied. But blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness. They shall be filled. Is the drunk ever going to be satisfied of just, man, if I just drink one more drink, that's all I'm going to, I'm never going to need to drink again. That'll just, one more, one more, one more fornication, you know, one more adultery, one more drink, one more big sale and make more money. Is that what people, is that how rich people, drunks, prideful, arrogant, worldly people, is that how they think? No, it's never enough. They're never satisfied. They're like hell that constantly enlarges itself. It's like death that can never be satisfied.