(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And by the way, people who succeed at work, it's because they're diligent people. The Bible says the hand of the diligent shall bear rule. You know what that means? Be made supervisor. Climb the ladder. That's what that's saying. Because you're diligent. Because you're working hard. Because you're paying attention to what you're doing. Because you're not sloppy and sluggardly and slovenly and because you don't have a heart that's somewhere else and think, oh, this isn't that important. What time is it? What time do I get out of here? What time is it till 5 o'clock? No, you're focused on the task at hand and you take it seriously. And you do it as unto the Lord. And you take pride in the work that you do as a man when you go to work. You take pride in it. And you care about doing a good job. And you care about the success of the company that you work for. You say, well, I don't like the company I work for. But you do it unto the Lord anyway. Even if you don't like the company, you do it for the Lord. Because God told you to do it heartily because you're doing it in the name of the Lord Jesus. And notice, whatsoever you do, He's not just talking about spiritual activities. We're not just talking about soul winning. We're not just talking about going to church. We're talking about anything that you do. I've heard it said, anything that is worth doing is worth doing right the first time. Anything that's worth doing is worth doing right the first time. If it's not worth doing, then why are you doing it? And if it is worth doing, then do it heartily as unto the Lord and do a good job and pay attention to what you're doing. People who try to get everything done end up getting nothing done. The key to getting things done is to focus on one thing and get it done. Put your whole heart and mind and energy into that one thing and get it done.