(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, literally, while I was just preaching right now, our new YouTube channel was deleted while I was preaching and has no strikes on it, zero strikes, because I think that we're just not allowed to have a YouTube channel, is what's going on. Or it's either one of two things, either, because remember when they deleted my channel, they deleted all my channels the same day, so we're just not allowed to have a YouTube channel, apparently. Or the other thing could be, is there a computer algorithm that as soon as it hears, wah wah wah wah, corona, vaccine, don't take it, don't do it, it's just like, oy vey, shut it down. You know what I mean? So you be the judge. Is it a coincidence? Did they just think, hey, this is their channel, shut it down, or was it triggered? Because keep in mind, everything that I'm preaching on YouTube is being turned into speech to text, because if you go on any of my sermons, they have automatic subtitles, and the automatic subtitles are pretty good. So it would not be hard for them to use a computer algorithm to look for certain buzzwords. I don't think it had anything to do with the MacArthur stuff, all right? But anyway, it's an interesting theory. So anyway, I just wanted to let you know that, because it's interesting. God bless you, have a great night, we'll be streaming on a different channel on Wednesday.