(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Folks, do you realize that the people who are publishing these new versions, the ESV and the NIV, et cetera, do you realize that if they dug up some new scrap tomorrow, they would literally just change the Bible based on that scrap? I mean, stop and think about that. I mean, here we believe that God has preserved his word, that we have the Bible. We believe that this is it. We've had it all along. It's been passed down. That they would literally, if they dug up an older text, you know what they'll say? Oh, well, it turns out this is what it really says. And then the ESV will start changing, the NIV is going to start. And who's making these decisions? Do you even know who they are? Well, I'll tell you who the experts in textual criticism are. You want to know who the top guys in textual criticism are? Atheists, literally. You know who's considered one of the best experts in textual criticism? A guy named Bart Ehrman. Who knows who I'm talking about? Yeah. If you go to Barnes and Noble, his books are front and center in the religion section. New York Times bestseller. One of his most popular books is called How Jesus Became God. His other most popular book is called Misquoting Jesus. And his whole thing is how the Bible has been corrupted. The Bible has been changed. The Bible that we have today is not what the apostles wrote. It's impossible to know what they wrote. Folks, this guy is a self-professed atheist. He's an atheist. But you know, the editors of the ESV and the NIV, they're looking to guys like him, experts in textual criticism. They're looking at these liberal phonies, the Bruce Metzger's of the past, the Bart Ehrman of today, Gert Mink, whatever these bozos are, who don't believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ, the virgin birth. They don't believe that every word of God is inspired and been preserved. Folks, many of these guys are atheists and agnostics, and they're the ones who are deciding what the Greek text is and what the Hebrew text is. And then that's what the NIV and ESV are going to translate. Whatever's handed to them by these unbelieving so-called scholars who are tools of the devil. And so don't you go soft on these modern versions and think, oh, well, it's not that big of a deal. You know, maybe if somebody has trouble with the these and the those, at least if we could get them ready, the ESV is better than nothing. No. Oh, just get them on the NIV. No, it's King James or nothing. I'm telling you, these new versions, if you look where they're coming from, they're coming from the devil. Folks, if God is saying to the children of Israel, hey, don't make mention of the names of other gods. Don't talk about this. Be careful. Don't just get all into their folklore. Don't get all into what they believe. And then in Deuteronomy, when he expands on this, I mean, he really goes on in Deuteronomy like burn it, trash it, smash it, destroy it, blot out their names from from under heaven. That they not even be remembered. That people will forget that there ever was this God or that God. You know, you know, I could go the rest of my life and not know one story about Baal. Who cares? I already have the Bible here. It has what I need to know scripturally. I don't need to reinterpret and rethink the Bible based on some new Baal discovery. Folks, this is real. This is what's going on out there. And then you wonder why churches are the way they are. You wonder why the new versions are the way they are. It's because they're evil forces at work. Literally the prophets of Baal are advising the editors of the ESV on Deuteronomy 32.8.