(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hitting serious major sins, now there's a real popular doctrine out there in the past few decades that says that all sin is equal. It's one of these things that just kind of rolls off the tongue for people and it just sounds really logical and good to them when they say, hey, you know, we see sin as being big sin, little sin, but does God all sins equal? But that's a lie. It's a fraud. Because there's no such teaching in the Bible. In fact, the Bible teaches there's a sin unto death. There's a sin not unto death. Jesus told Pilate, he that delivered me unto you hath the greater sin. He talked about the Pharisees devouring widows' houses and for a pretense making long prayer. He said, therefore shall they receive the greater damnation. How could you have greater sin, greater damnation, sin unto death, sin not unto death if all sin's equal? Because all sin's not equal. That's why God gives different punishments for different crimes, different punishments for the sins that are willful sins versus sins of ignorance. They're both sin, but one of them is worse than the other. And I could go on and on.