(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And, you know, getting back to the derelicts of this world, you know, when we think of the derelicts of this world, people that are just washed up in life, people who, uh, what did the dictionary say? It said, you know, they're neglectful of duty, delinquent, negligent, vagrant, bum, no permanent home, no permanent means of support, uh, they're lazy, they refuse to work, right? When we think of the homeless derelicts of Tempe, for example, okay, and I like to ride my bike around as a, as a hobby, and I see a lot of the derelicts when I'm out riding my bike. And, you know, they're, they're often drunk, addicted to drugs, they, they, they, they're carrying around a lot of stolen property, newsflash, carts aren't for sale, you know what I mean? Like, when you see somebody pushing a shopping cart, that's a stolen item right there, okay? So, you know, you see a lot of these derelicts, and, you know what, you, you'll see certain common denominators, like, for example, when you see them eating and drinking, it's always junk food, virtually always, and they leave their trash everywhere, and they don't finish it, okay? Now, let me just park it on this for a little bit. Uh, people make excuses about their situation, they make excuses about their condition, and it's better to just figure out what the weaknesses are in your life, and fix them, and fix your life, and get on track, get yourself to work, and yeah, look, are there people that are legitimately in need? Of course, there are people who are legitimately in need, but let me just go on the record and say 99% of the homeless population in Tempe and in Phoenix, Arizona, refuses to work, and that's why they're in the condition that they're in. They refuse to work. You can't get these people, you can, you can offer them jobs, you can offer them opportunities, and look, so many programs are available. I mean, Tempe and Phoenix have a ton of programs where they can go, and they can be trained, they can get a job, they can go to the, and be fed, and clothed, and housed, I mean, there are all kinds of programs to get these people back on their feet, they don't want to. They want to be drunk, they want to be on drugs, they want to lay around all day, they want to steal and do whatever, this is why they're in the condition that they live in.