(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Another one that I heard is, you know, oh well I don't go to church because all the churches are 501c3, and look I'm so sick of this garbage, it's so stupid. You know what? You didn't get that from reading the Bible, I mean tell me something, did you read the Bible one day and all of a sudden you're like, I can't go to a church that's 501c3 certified. No because there's no mention of anything like that in the Bible. You got that off the internet. You got that off some website that taught you all that. The Bible did not teach you that. You didn't read the Bible. You know one day I was doing my daily devotions and I had the Bible in front of me, and then I had the IRS tax code in front of me, and I had both of them in front of me, and it was just all of a sudden, God just showed me, don't go to a church that is under the tax code of status 501c3. And most people that are saying that, they don't even understand what that means. They don't even know what they're talking about. And look, 501c3, just to explain it to you quickly, it's basically something that a church can do. And not every church is 501c3. Churches are constantly being accused of being 501c3 that aren't. Just because they're a corporation, which most churches are corporations, which is oh so sinful. But you know what the word corporation means? Body. It comes from the Latin word corpus. So all it means, this is what it means to be incorporated. To be incorporated means that, see the church van out in the parking lot? It's not owned by me personally. That's not my personal vehicle. Although with the size of my family, I might have a vehicle that size soon. But that vehicle does not belong to me, nor does it belong to you individually, nor does it belong to anyone in this church. You know who the vehicle belongs to? The church. So in order for there to even exist the church, right, it has to be legally its own entity. You know, the building is rented not by me, not by you, but by the church. It's just a legality. Look, you say well but we shouldn't have all these corporations, all this kind of, look I don't think we should even have any of this stuff. I don't even think we should have a driver's license. Who thinks we should get rid of driver's license? Who thinks we should get rid of birth certificates? I do. Who thinks we should just not carry ID with us anywhere we go? Some people are like, oh, it's anarchy, I'm getting scared. But look, for thousands of years you didn't walk around with ID and having all this extreme documentation that we have today where it's so complicated. I mean look, maybe your taxes aren't that complicated, but try owning a business and your taxes get really complicated. And look, running a church legally is really complicated. I mean, just I spend days and weeks just trying to figure it out. All the paperwork and all the legalities of it, okay, same thing with my business. Running a business is even worse than running a church as far as the legality. It's even more complicated, okay? You know, yeah, when you go work your 9 to 5 job and clock in, clock out, your taxes are pretty simple. You're using the 1040 easy form. I haven't seen that form in a decade, okay? I do my taxes, it takes me days and weeks to figure it out. Do I like it? Do I think it's great that I have to prove everything to the government all the time and I'm innocent or I'm guilty until proven innocent all the time? No, but here's the thing. That's how you have to do it in America to be legal. Like you have to drive with a driver's license. And you know what, I know a pastor in town and I'm not going to name his name, but he's a great guy. He's a friend of mine and I like him. And he's like a totally off the grid guy. I mean, he has no driver's license, he has no vehicle registration, he never files taxes. His church is totally off the grid, okay? I mean, he doesn't report anything. I mean, he's just completely just not a part of the system whatsoever, okay? Now this guy, I talk to him about it because he's my friend and he even says to me like, Don't do this. Don't be like me. Because he says it's a pain in the neck, it's difficult, I run into problems all the time. And for him it's more like an experiment, like he's trying it. But he's constantly telling me, I don't recommend this. Now look, his church is much smaller than ours. Now with all these bunch of people jumping up and down screaming, I don't want to go to any church that's incorporated, okay? They're jumping up and down screaming, I mean you'd think that he'd have 5,000 people in his service this morning, wouldn't you? I mean all these people are saying, well I'm only going to go to a church that's not incorporated, that's just totally off the grid. Well then you know what he should have? He should have 5,000 this morning. And yet his church is much smaller than ours, okay? That shows me that these people are all just talk, they just have an excuse for not going to church. Oh, they're all 501c3, sitting at home on their keyboard instead of getting their rear end in church where they belong. And so there's all this disinformation and lies out there claiming that any church that's incorporated is of the devil and it's worshipping Satan and the IRS, you know, I mean the head of the IRS actually runs the church. It's so bizarre. None of it's biblical, none of it came from studying of the Word of God, none of it came from the Holy Spirit, none of it came, look, there are different levels of going off the grid or rebellion against government, okay? Look, everybody's rebelling against the government the best they know how, okay? You know what I mean? But just give us a break if we don't want to just be completely off the grid. Who here has a driver's license this morning? Yeah, okay, well see, does everybody just love going to DMV? I just love paying $400 a year to the government for my car that I already own. I mean my car that I already own, I just love registering it to the government every year for $400. I just think it's wonderful. No, but I render unto Caesar the things that be Caesar's and Caesar can go to hell at the end of the day, but I'm going to give him his money in the meantime. You know, and I'm not going to sit here and go to prison, right? I'm not going to go to prison. You want to sit in the pew, right? I'm the one who's got my head on the chopping block as the pastor. If anybody goes to prison because of the way the offerings are taken and the way the bank account is, I'm the one that's going to go to prison. I don't think you should be paying, Pastor Anderson, the money that you make pastoring, I don't think you should pay taxes on that because you shouldn't have to. You need to be off the grid and our church needs to be totally off the grid. Our church needs to do everything in cast. Yeah, and I'm the one that's going to go to prison and you're just going to disappear off into the sunset. You know what I mean? You're going to sit there and attack me for pastoring the church and running it legally. Okay, now look, and I'm not saying that it's good to be 501c3, but I'm saying to you that most churches are 501c3 and to say that they're wicked, you're wicked because you're blaspheming and falsely accusing a lot of great pastors and a lot of great churches who are just, you know, maybe they just can't figure out the stupid IRS code. So they're just trying to figure it out the best they can. They're just trying to pastor their church and stay out of prison and you're sitting there from your couch not even going to church criticizing a bunch of pastors who are trying to do something good for God. And look, I'm not saying 501c3 is good. I'm not saying it's bad. I'm saying I don't care. I'm saying I'm too busy preaching the Bible to worry about stupid things like that. And people want to sit there and they want to get so hung up on this stuff that's not in the Bible. Why don't you get hung up on something that is in the Bible? There's plenty for you to get mad and foam at the mouth about in this book. Why are you foaming at the mouth about stuff that's not even mentioned in the book? You're wasting your time dealing with a bunch of political garbage that has nothing to do with the Bible. And look, I'm all for fighting for freedom. I think I've done some fighting for freedom myself. I thought I stood up for what's right and freedom, but you know what? I'm not going to let that take me away from the spiritual battle, which is far more important. And if I get thrown into prison, it's going to be for preaching the Bible. It's going to be for preaching the Word of God. I'm not going to prison because I didn't fill out a form right or something, you know what I mean? Just to make somebody happy who's not even going to come anyway or else they'd all be beating down the door of my friend who's a pastor in Phoenix. And he'd be running 5,000 this morning. He'd be breaking up loaves and fistas trying to feed everybody because there'd be so many people he wouldn't even know what to do with them all. But I'm telling you something, that's not the case because these people are all talk. And I'm going to tell you something, I'm fired up about the Bible. And look, if your pastor is holding back on the Word of God, because that's what they claim. Oh, these pastors that are corporations or 501c3 or non-profits or whatever, they hold back their preaching. They're holding back because the government is telling them what to preach. Okay, well look, if somebody's holding back on their preaching, that's a problem. But let me tell you something, some paper down at the city hall is not the problem. That's not where the problem is at all, okay? Anyway, I don't want to go off on that too much, but honestly, who's heard people bring this up? I'm not going to go there. Shut up. Go to church. You get your lazy rear-end in church, you're too lazy to get up in the morning and go to church. You want to sit around in your jammies and eat chips off your chest while you read some website about 501c3, because you don't want to go out and go soul winning, that's why. Because you don't want to go out there and go up and down those stairs with those apartment complexes and preach the Gospel to every creature and go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that God's house may be filled. You don't want to do that. You want to just sit around whining about the IRS tax code. Look, we all hate the IRS. Get over it. Next subject.