(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You say, well Pastor Anderson, right there you just read in verse 7 the verse that proves a pre-tribulation rapture, and it's amazing how you just blew right by it, Pastor Anderson. Because I mean everybody who's here can see it in verse 7 crystal clear, right? I mean everybody saw it, right? The pre-tribulation rapture, right? It's right there. "'For the mystery of iniquity doth already work, only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way.'" There it is. I mean there it is. Rapture, tribulation, Christ coming in the clouds, the trumpet sounding, I mean don't you see it? Oh, you don't see it? Oh, you don't have a Schofield reference Bible. Oh, that's the problem. Oh, you mean you just have God's word? That's not enough. You mean you're actually just reading the Bible on your own? You're never going to figure this out that way. You need the Schofield reference Bible because it has a whole bunch of notes that will explain this to you and tell you that when the Bible says, "'He who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way," that's talking about the Holy Spirit being taken out of the way. Okay, newsflash, the Holy Spirit is God. You don't take God out of the way, he's God. I mean how do you sit there and say like, oh yeah, the Holy Spirit's going to be taken out of the way? You in what army is going to take the Holy Spirit out of the way? I mean he's God. In the Schofield Bible it says this is none other than the Holy Spirit being removed because he indwells the church and the church age is over. It's all just man-made stuff. There's no way you'd ever read this in a million years and come up with that, that it's the Holy Spirit being taken out of the way. Now look, pronouns are words that take the place of a noun. He is a pronoun, is it not? And pronouns have an antecedent. An antecedent is the noun to which that pronoun refers, right? I don't just walk up to you and just say, he came to church. You say, who? You know, because first I have to tell you I have a friend named David and he came to church, right? Then it would make sense because the antecedent is David. You know what ante means? Before. So first you tell us who you're talking about. For example, the pronoun I. I would say, my name is Steven Anderson. I am the pastor of Faith Ford Baptist Church. The I is referring to who I am. Now if you don't know me and I just start calling myself I, you might say, who are you? If I say, well he came to church, you say, well who's he? Oh my friend David. Don't you know that? Well no, you didn't tell me. There was no antecedent to your pronoun, okay? So if God's going to start talking about the Holy Spirit and calling him he, shouldn't he have mentioned the Holy Spirit anywhere before this? And of course the Holy Spirit's not mentioned whatsoever in this passage. This passage made no mention of the Holy Spirit whatsoever. So we can't just decide that he means whatever we want he to mean. I mean I think he is Mickey Mouse there. There's just as much evidence for he being Mickey Mouse as the Holy Spirit because neither one of them is mentioned in the chapter here. We're just going to make stuff up, right? So when it says he who not let us will let until he be taken out of the way, first of all the Holy Spirit is not only God so you don't just take him out of the way. Just get him out of your way. Okay not only that but number two, the Holy Spirit is omnipresent. It says in Psalm 139 about the Holy Spirit specifically and about him being omnipresent, it says in verse seven, wither shall I go from thy spirit or wither shall I flee from thy presence? So it's talking about getting away from the Holy Spirit of God. It says in verse eight, if I ascend up into heaven, thou art there. If I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me. I mean look it's clear he said look you can't get away from God's Spirit. God's Spirit is everywhere. God's Spirit is God himself and is omnipresent. You don't just take him out of the way, it's blasphemous to just sit there and say oh just take God out of the way. Get him out of the equation. He's God. So you know what it says, he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way. That proves a preacher rapture because I mean if we're going to take the Holy Spirit out of the way and the Holy Spirit lives inside of us, you know two plus two equals four, I guess we're going to be taken out of the way. See how this logic is just reading stuff in here that isn't really there? Just adding to the scripture stuff that's not there at all? Okay well you say well who is the he? Well if we actually read the passage and see who's mentioned, the he that's mentioned would be the man of sin. That's somebody who's actually mentioned. That's actually an antecedent of the pronoun. You say well how is he going to be taken out of the way? By being killed? He's going to be killed and then basically his body is going to be under the complete control of Satan. Now we don't understand maybe every bit of how exactly this is going to work, but the wicked antichrist will be revealed after the son of perdition or the man of sin receives the deadly wound to his head and is taken out of the way. Now again that's outside the scope of this sermon. I've done sermons where I've delved into that and we looked at a lot of scriptures on that and analyzed that. We don't really have the time to go into all the details on that right now, but we see here that there's no way in the world that this is talking about the Holy Spirit. That's just made up doctrine that has no basis in reality. Let me say this, when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ, he's also known as the son of perdition. Only two people in the Bible are known as the son of perdition, Judas Iscariot and the antichrist and the Bible talks about when the sop was handed to Judas, Satan entered into him and he was actually possessed by Satan. I believe that the antichrist will also be possessed by Satan and that's what I wanted to say. I don't know if I made that clear earlier.