(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) A friend loveth at all times and a brother is born for adversity. Friends always gonna love you. They're always gonna influence you to do the right thing. They're always gonna be looking out for your best interests. What if the authority in your life knew how you were behaving with them? You have this friend and when you're with this friend, you do certain things. You get involved in certain activities. If my parents knew, if my spouse knew, if God knows and God does, would they be happy with what I'm doing or displeased with what I'm doing? If the answer is they wouldn't be happy, you probably have the wrong friend. If you have some friend that's getting you into something and you know that it goes against the word of God or it's something that some godly influence of your life would be shocked that you're involved in, you have the wrong friend. It'd be better to have no friends than the wrong one. We need to have friendships in our lives. We just need to make sure they're the right ones and not get mixed up with the wrong people. They will have a profound influence on you.