(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, this is a promise that God makes here in verse 22, saying, touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. It's a promise that if someone touches the Lord's anointed, if they do his prophets harm, you know, God's going to touch them right back. God's going to harm that same individual right back. And this is lost today, I think, in a lot of people. Even amongst God's people. You know, I think, unfortunately, even we lose sight of that. We as God's anointed have, you know, God on our side. God's got our back, so to speak. And it's unfortunate because we're robbing ourselves from a lot of peace if we don't understand this. And then the temptation is that when someone does us harm and we have some enemy, we were tempted maybe to take things into our own hands. The promise is that God's got our back, God's going to protect us, is that we don't have to take things into our own hands. We can just go on and live our lives, raise our families, win souls, go to church, live godly in Christ Jesus, and just rest assured that God is going to take care of those that would do us harm. And often, you know, maybe that's because God doesn't always do it. God doesn't always, you know, maybe we can't see it. It's not a public thing or we aren't the person that's doing this, you know, is out of our life. We don't know what becomes of them. But rest assured, you know, if you're talking about some unsaved reprobate who wants to do harm to God's people, you know, even if they get away with it, you know, in this life, they have all of an eternal existence and hellfire to look forward to. And God will avenge them there. So again, it's lost on God's people today, and that's kind of unfortunate because of the fact of the peace that it brings, but it's even lost on people, you know, quite frankly that should understand this so that they, you know, would not do, they would understand the danger in attacking the man of God, attacking God's anointed. You know, I'm going to refer, you know, to the man of God, you know, but this goes for all of us. This is something we can all apply to our lives. This is something that, you know, we are God's anointed. It's not just reserved just for the preacher or the pastor or whatever, it's for every one of us, you know, we are all God's anointed. And if you would go over to John chapter 14, keep something in 1 Corinthians 16 and go to John 14. You know, we are all God's anointed through the sealing of the Holy Spirit. Bible says in 1 John 2, that but the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you and ye should think not that any man teach you, but it's the same anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth and is no lie, even as he hath taught you, ye also, ye shall abide in him, right? So it's a hymn, this teaching, or excuse me, this anointing, and this anointing that we have teaches us, right? So what is that? Who is he referring to? John 14 verse 26. But the comforter which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things. He's the teacher. That is the anointing. That's the spirit that we have. That's what makes us God's anointed. You know, we have the sealing of the Holy Spirit, like it says in Ephesians, that we are sealed on the day of our redemption by the Spirit of God. We are sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. So this is for everybody. Don't think I'm just, you know, up here trying to say, hey, you know, the man of God has just got this special protection. You know, he's got this extra security force in the Lord that's just not available to you. You know, it's available to all of God's people. It's available to all of God's anointing. That's what the promise said. Touch not mine anointed. It's a promise that he made, yes, to Abraham and Isaac, but it's also one that he made to all of Israel. You know, and today we are that Israel.