(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Friendship with God is gonna cost you something. Think about it with Moses. He had to go up the mountain. And just the thought, just that one thing right there, some of us go, whoa, I don't know about that. Hiking, incline, long walks, eh. Can't we just Skype? Can we FaceTime, Lord? No, you gotta climb up the mountain, Moses. You gotta get up to the top. It costs him something. I don't think that was a very hard walk when you know the Lord's waiting up there. If getting sin out of our lives and getting other relationships out of our lives and getting right with God is gonna lead to a friendship, then wouldn't you say it's all worth it? Wouldn't you say, man, this is worth it because now I have this relationship with the Lord. Instead of spending my time scrolling through some feed somewhere, I'm in God's word. And now God is pleased and now we have a similar interest. It's gonna cost you something, though, isn't it? In that time, the most important friendship any of us need is the friendship with God. You need God as your friend. We need to have God as our friend. It comes at a price. So you know what? Pay the price.