(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The wicked have gained political power and they've stirred people up. How are they stirring up people today? Media. How are they stirring people up to get people just aghast at this kind of preaching? You know, just shocked that anybody would suggest what the Bible actually says. They actually turned to these passages and preached them sincerely. People have been brainwashed over the last 30-plus years, slowly brought over to accept the most abominable filth. And at first it was, oh, they just want to get married. Now they just want to mutilate their bodies and be called the opposite gender. Now they just want to be accepted in churches. They want to have their, you know, might be able to walk into whatever bathroom they want. Now they want to promote it to your kids in school. What kind of a backwards world are we living in? What is that lifestyle about? It's just about being carnal with the same gender. Just boil it down to what it's all about. It's about men with men working that which is unseemly. It's about women leaving the natural use of the woman. It's about the same genders burning in their lusts one toward another. That's the crass reality of their agenda.