(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, a lot of these Baptists, they would never come out and say it, and maybe they don't even realize it, but they're closet Calvinists. They're closet Calvinists. You know, I remember when I first got saved, I got in a Baptist church. Man, I wanted to light the world on fire. I wanted to tell, I'm just sitting at stoplights and watching cars go by at red lights and just just thinking, who's going to tell all these people? Who's going to spread this gospel? I found a Baptist church that was, you know, they went out and did visitation and things. Here we go. This is it. And then I remember just not, shortly after that, being told that, well, you know, if people want to get saved, they will. If people want to get saved, they will. It'll happen. God will make sure they get saved. You know what that did to me as a young Christian? I said, well, he's the pastor here. He knows better than I do. He's been doing it longer. I guess they'll just get saved. That's not the truth. You know, we are the ones that have to bring the gospel. I mean, look at 2 Corinthians 4, verse 1. Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, it's our ministry. It's ours. What's the ministry? You know, it's not just getting together and singing and preaching. It's going out and doing the work of preaching the gospel. As we have received this ministry, we faint not, but have renounced the hitting things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by the manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God, but if our gospel be hid. Whose gospel is it? It's our gospel. I mean, this is God's word. He's saying, look, it's your gospel to go preach. Jesus did all the hard work. You know, he's the one that did everything for us to be saved. Now he's just saying, now it's your gospel to go preach it. This is our ministry. This is our gospel. And if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost. Meaning this, that they're not just going to get saved. That if we put our light under a bushel, they're not going to get saved. That they are going to go to hell.