(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And would to God that more men of God would get up behind a pulpit and tell it like it is instead of being these neo-con, Republican-worshipping, flag-waving Baptists that the Republican Party can do no wrong. Pray for peace, prepare for war, all this nonsense, all these stupid slogans. All these guys who spend more time listening to their talk radio than they do in the Word of God. They spend more time listening to Rush-Limbotomy, they've been lobotomized by ol' Rush-Limbotomy. They're just mindless drones, just, you know, whatever Rush-Limbot says, you know, boy, yeah, he's right, America's so great, neo-cons, you know, all our Republican values. Listen, friend, the Republican values, it's greediness, it's covetous, all these politics, you know why I don't follow anyone? Because it all comes down to money. At the end of the day, that's all they care about. It's not about moral issues. You know why abortion will never be illegal again in this country? Because it's because of the fact that it is a political issue. It's politicized, it will remain politicized. That issue is what they use to get people in office and to get people out of office. It's all, you know, it's however they want to bend it to their whim, whoever they want to get in there. That's why abortion will always be legal in this country, from here on out. I believe that. We'll never see that taken away. Because it's used, it's a tool, and you name the issue. You know, that's this controversial issue in politics. The point is that we need some men of God to stand up, call a spade a spade, tell it like it is, and stop bowing allegiance to some political party and tell us what the word of God says.