(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We every so often we get these voicemails from some Bashmik about clap of whatever ministries, you know hock Flynn ministries calls us Promoting, you know some Jewish rabbi they call him a Jewish pastor You know, and I guess he's different. He's you know, he's got they say, you know, he's a Christian Jewish pastor Like he's a Jew that became a Christian. I don't know I've never called him back But I from they call like every few months and they don't call us by name. They just say dear pastor You know former rabbi Jewish pastor a lot of you know, only they wants to come and would speak your congregation And I want to call back and say well, we already got a Jewish pastor Did you guys know you have a Jewish preacher You got a Jewish preacher right here we got a Jewish pastor up in Tempe I got a Jewish congregation Don't need some guy with you know wearing a funny hat and long hair on the you know on the sides of his head to come in here and Try to get me to put a shawl on my head or you know Wear dangly things for my waistbands or whatever put ribbons of blue on my garments. I don't need any of that I don't need some guy to come in here and try to judy eyes me in this congregation. I Already am the Jew. That's what the Bible says. I mean we just read it He says in Galatians 3 know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham Look, if you're born again, if you're a faith, you're God's child. You are the child of Abraham