(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You don't want to be friends with everybody. There's some people that you do not want to be friends with. Friendships are very influential and powerful relationships. We ought to be careful about the people that we befriend in our lives, that we make our friends. Friends share common interests. That's for better or worse. You typically gravitate towards the people that you have common interests with. However, that's a two-edged sword. That can work against you too. Be careful about the friends that you make because they're gonna try to get you into what they're into. The bad make the good bad. And the bad make the bad even worse. That's how it goes. And people get this idea sometimes in their head that they're going to befriend somebody and make them better. Maybe, is that really how you want to live your life, on a maybe? Because think about maybe not. What's the worst that could happen? They could become a reprobate. You're opening the door to all kinds of terrible things. The people that you spend time with, they're going to have an influence on you for better or worse. Look, there's people out there in this world who just want to ruin you.